
This is a technical test for Oozou that will allow them to assess my thought process, ability to interpret requirements and technical implementation skills.

Primary LanguageRuby



  • Create an API that returns a list of Content items with fixed attributes


  • Ruby: 2.6.0
  • Rails: 6.0.0.beta1
  • PostgreSQL
  • Angular CLI 7.0.6
  • NodeJS 8.10.0


API Backend

  • Clone the repository.
  • Goto cloned repository using - cd cms_api_test/ (or whatever your local project folder name)
  • Create a database.yml and master.key file in config folder. There is a database.sample.yml and master.sample.key file in the same directory. Copy and paste the contents of those files in your newly created YAML file. Then change accordingly. (e.g. change database username/password/db_name)
  • Install required gems(libraries) - bundle install
  • In your command line run - rake db:create (It'll create a new database in mysql)
  • In your command line run - rake db:migrate (It'll add tables to your newly created database)
  • In your command line run - rake db:seed (It'll add data to your newly created database tables)
  • Run redis-server from another terminal. If its not installed in the machine then run sudo apt install redis-server for ubuntu, in OSX run brew install redis-server
  • Run Sidekiq using bundle exec sidekiq
  • Run rails server (It'll run the backend system on port 3000). Be sure to run it on port 3000
  • If all dependencies met, then the backend api will run on localhost:3000

API Frontend

  • Goto cd cms_api_test/frontend/cms-api-frontend in a different terminal.
  • install node dependencies using npm install
  • Then run ng serve to run the frontend. It'll open a new tab in the default browser with URL: localhost:4200
  • The fetched published contents will be shown there.