FFS-BOT is a python selenium based script to go and fetch match data from Fantasy Football Scout match stats page.


  • Python version 3.7+
  • Google Chrome
  • ChromeWebdriver

How to run?

  • Create a virtualenv (optional but recommended) It'll be helpful for installing dependencies in a isolated place. Then activate the virtualenv to run the script. Otherwise, you need to install the libraries from requirement.txt file manually and run the script.
  • Inside project directory: create a .env file. Put 3 environment variables:
  • Remember: Google Chrome version and ChromeDriver version must be same. Current Google Chrome is 92. So, download ChromeDriver version 92 and install.
  • From project directory run: python3 ffs_bot.py 212123. Here, 212123 = the match ID from which you want to extract the data.
  • Results will be written in match_stats.json file.


Sample Player Stats of a Match

  • First login to FFS site using credentials from .env file. Then sleep for 3 seconds to load the webpage.
  • Next, we initialize every players data with empty Hash/Dictionary
  • Then for each player, go through Tab by Tab. Tabs definition can be found on constants.py file.
  • For each tab, go through every row of the table, find the row associated with Player Name, then extract and assign the data to empty player stats.

To Extend

  • Currently, we're extracting data from 3 tabs. If you want to collect data from other tabs, define the tab info in constants.py file.
  • For additional/new tab data, initialize the build_player_stats of player_stats.py file with new dictionary key-value pair.
  • In player_stats.py file, extend player function with for new tab_type
Example Contribution


constants = {
  '#player-tabs-2': 'involvement',
  '#player-tabs-7': 'keeping',
  '#player-tabs-11': 'expected',
  '#player-tabs-1': 'fantasy' # < Added new tab >


Initialize empty data dictionary:

def build_player_stats(page_source):
  ...... other codes
  categories = ['touches', 'passes', 'expected', 'keeping', 'assist_potential', 'goal_threat', 'fantasy'] # newly added dict key
  ...... other codes 

Define new extraction method:

def player(page_source, stats_type, stats):
  if stats_type == 'involvement':
    stats = involvement(page_source, stats)
  elif stats_type == 'expected':
    stats = expected(page_source, stats)
  elif stats_type == 'keeping':
    stats = keeping(page_source, stats)
  # Added following 2 lines to extract info from fantasy tab
  elif stats_type == 'fantasy':
    stats = fantasy(page_source, stats)

  return stats

Write extract data method:

def fantasy(page_source, stats):
  for indx, row_data in enumerate(page_source.find_elements_by_css_selector('td')):
    if indx == 0:
      stats['fantasy'][X] = row_data.text.strip()
    if indx == 3:
      stats['fantasy'][Y] = row_data.text.strip()
  # Here X, Y can be 'goals', 'assists' etc.
  return stats



Free Software, Hell Yeah!