Nodejs, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Ubuntu Server
- Docker image node-hello-world
- Pull the image
docker pull imtiazmasrur/node-hello-world
- Authorize your Docker account DockerHub
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email> -n <your-namespace>
- Create a namespace
kubectl create namespace developers-space
- OR
- Run
kubectl apply -f namespace.yml
- To see all namespace
kubectl get namespace
|kubectl get ns
- N.B. - Secret must be created before
- To create base64 password
echo -n 'password' | base64
// Output:bXlfZGF0YWJhc2U=
- To apply secret
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
- To apply secret to specific namespace
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml --namespace=developers-space
- Get secret
kubectl get secret -n developers-space
- Get secret details
kubectl describe secret node-hello-world-secret -n developers-space
- Edit secret
kubectl edit secret node-hello-world-secret -n developers-space
- Delete secret
kubectl delete secret node-hello-world-secret -n developers-space
- To see default namespace (everything)
kubectl get all
- OR
- To see all namespace (everything)
kubectl get all -A
- OR
- To see all your named namespace (everything)
kubectl get all -n developers-space
- To see only deployment
kubectl get deploy
- To find anything
kubectl get all -n developers-space | grep node-hello-world
- After any update apply on deployment.yaml file
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
- Restart pod
kubectl rollout restart deployment node-hello-world -n developers-space
- Stop a single deployment/pod
kubectl -n developers-space scale deployment node-hello-world --replicas 0
- Delete a deployment
kubectl delete deploy node-hello-world
- To see your namespace's pods
kubectl get pods -n developers-space
- Get pod details info of a pod (pod name -
)kubectl describe pod node-hello-world-6f455d9c5c-758fs -n developers-space
- To watch pod -
kubectl get pod --watch -n developers-space
- Further details of pods (Ex. - details with ip) -
kubectl get pod -o wide -n developers-space
- To see the logs/consoles of pod (pod name -
)kubectl logs node-hello-world-6f455d9c5c-758fs -n developers-space
- Enter pod console (pod name -
)kubectl exec -it node-hello-world-6f455d9c5c-758fs -n developers-space sh
- See all ENV of pod
kubectl exec node-hello-world-6f455d9c5c-758fs -- env
- See DB_USER ENV of pod
kubectl exec node-hello-world-6f455d9c5c-758fs -- env | grep DB_USER
- Create deployment from DockerHub (image name -
)kubectl create deployment nginx-deployment --image=nginx -n developers-space
- Get all deployments
kubectl get deployment -n developers-space
- To edit deployments (deployment name -
)kubectl edit deployment node-hello-world -n developers-space
- Delete deployment (deployment name -
)kubectl delete deployment node-hello-world -n developers-space
- OR
- Delete deployment with filename
kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml -n developers-space
- Get deployment details
kubectl get deployment node-hello-world -o yaml -n developers-space
- If you need the deployment details output to a file
kubectl get deployment node-hello-world -o yaml -n developers-space > node-hello-world-deployment.yaml
- Get service info (service name -
)kubectl describe service node-hello-world -n developers-space
- Get all services
kubectl get svc
- Open service on browser URL -
minikube service node-hello-world -n developers-space
- Get service URl -
minikube service node-hello-world -n developers-space --url
- Get all replicaset
kubectl get replicaset -n developers-space
|kubectl get rs
- To delete service
kubectl delete services node-hello-world
- Get the Cluster State/Information
kubectl cluster-info
- Get The Cluster Information
kubectl config view
- See all available API resources which are not attached to the namespace
kubectl api-resources --namespaced=false
- See all available API resources which are attached to the namespace
kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true
- Stop all deployments/pods
kubectl -n developers-space scale deployment $(kubectl -n developers-space get deployment | awk '{print $1}') --replicas 0
- To stop all Kubernetes stateful sets
kubectl -n developers-space scale statefulset --replicas 0 $(kubectl -n developers-space get statefulset | awk '{print $1}')
- Delete all from kubernetes
kubectl delete all --all
- Delete All Resources from namespace
kubectl delete all --all -n developers-space
- To see minikube dashboard
minikube dashboard
- To get minikube dashboard
minikube dashboard --url
- Delete cluster from list
kubectl config delete-cluster clusterName
- Delete context
kubectl config delete-context contextName
- Change context
kubectl config set-context minikube
- Now we do not want to put
name each time to run namespace command. - So that we will install
- To install
sudo apt install kubectx
- If not install in ubuntu try below commands
sudo git clone /usr/local/kubectx
sudo ln -s /usr/local/kubectx/kubectx /usr/local/bin/kubectx
sudo ln -s /usr/local/kubectx/kubens /usr/local/bin/kubens
sudo ln -s /usr/local/kubectx/completion/kubectx.zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_kubectx.zsh
sudo ln -s /usr/local/kubectx/completion/kubens.zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_kubens.zsh
- To see all namespaces
- Switch to any namespace
kubens developers-space
- Enable Ingress on minikube
minikube addons enable ingress
- Check OR See, is ingress running
kubectl get pod -n kube-system
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml -n developers-space
- See all ingress
kubectl get ingress
- See more details of ingress
kubectl describe ingress node-server-ingress
- You will see IP address of ingress
- Run
sudo nano /etc/hosts
- Add line (not this IP wat you will see on your console)
to your host file - Check ingress by yaml file
kubectl get ingress node-server-ingress -o yaml
- Check helm version
helm version
- Helm hub
- Create helm
helm create node-hello-world-chart
- Go to helm repo path
cd deployments/node-hello-world-chart/
- To install (Example command) -
helm install <full name override> <chart name>/ --values <chart name>/values.yaml
- Run this
helm install node-hello-world ./ --values values.yaml
- Upgrade/Update helm
helm upgrade --install node-hello-world ./ --values values.yaml
- List helm from all namespace
helm list --all-namespaces
- List all helm
helm list
- Helm uninstall (remove all helm resources)
helm uninstall node-hello-world
- Kubernetes cheatsheet -
- Helm hub -
- Docker Hub -
- Understand Kubernetes
- Image pull policy -
- Create Helm Chart