
A Qt-Wrapper for the AES-implementation kokke/tiny-AES128-C

Primary LanguageC++


A Qt-Wrapper for the AES-implementation kokke/tiny-AES128-C


This class is simply a wrapper for https://github.com/kokke/tiny-AES128-C. It allows to used the simple AES-implementation inside Qt and with Qt's QByteArray class. The repository is included as a git submodule.


  • It's a C++-class instead of just C-functions
  • Easy integration with Qt-Projects thanks to the use of QByteArray
  • Allows plain-texts of any size - padding will be added automatically


QTinyAes aes;

aes.setKey("randomkey_128bit");// 128 bit key -> QTinyAes::KEYSIZES must contain the size

QByteArray plain = "Hello World";
qDebug() << "plain:" << plain
QByteArray cipher = aes.encrypt(plain);
qDebug() << "cipher:" << cipher;
QByteArray result = aes.decrypt(cipher);
qDebug() << "result:" << result;