
A Simple Library System built with the purpose of properly organizing and making easy the core duties carried out by librarians and other library staff. Features include record keeping of books, borrowing books, returning books, listing books due to be returned, add book club members and other features that allow manipulation of such data.

Primary LanguageJava


A Simple Library System built with the purpose of properly organizing and making easy the core duties carried out by librarians and other library staff. Features include record keeping of books, borrowing books, returning books, listing books due to be returned, add book club members and other features that allow manipulation of such data.


Screenshot (151)

Getting Started

  • Install Java JDK and Java Extensions for VSCode

  • Clone this repository by running git clone https://github.com/imubarak234/simple-library-managment.git in your command line.

  • Run the GUI Interface from App.java file

Built With

  • JAVA
  • Java GUI
  • VSCode
  • Git Flow


👤 Mubarak A Ibrahim

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