ActsAsCommentable ================= ActsAsCommentable is an acts_as plugin that is used to enable commenting on your ActiveRecord models. The plugin is intentionally simple because I wanted this plugin to be as customizable as possible without the user ever touching the plugins code. Example ======= In the model you want to be commentable add acts_as_commentable class Post < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_commentable # or if you waint to add some methods to the comments association # acts_as_commentable do # def find_by_date(date, options = {}) # with_scope :find => optons do # # CODE GOES HERE # end # end # end ... end Create the comments table. The only requirement are the commentable_type and commentable_id fields. For example: create_table :comments, :force => true do |t| t.column :author, :string t.column :coment, :text t.column :commentable_type, :string t.column :commentable_id, :integer t.column :created_at, :datetime end If you want to add methods to the comment model you can do this using mixins. For example: module Mixins; module Comment; end; end; module Mixins::Comment::Spamable def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def count_by_spam(spam) count :all, :conditions => ['is_spam = ?', spam] end def count_by_spam_and_commentable(spam, type, id) count :all, :conditions => ['is_spam = ? and commentable_type = ? and commentable_id = ?', spam, type, id] end end end Comment.send :include, Mixins::Comment::Spamable # If you want to add validation you can do this like so: Comment.send(:validates_presence_of, :author_name, :comment) And that is it. Enjoy! Copyright (c) 2007 Ivica Munitic <>, released under the MIT license