
The movie server. (A dup for https://bitbucket.org/venj/movie_server )

Primary LanguageRuby

Video server


Please do remember to update your server_conf.yml file according to server_conf.yml.skel.


cp server_conf.yml.skel server_conf.yml
rackup -p4567 -E production config.ru


nginx + passenger

Before you run nginx:

cd /webapps/movie_server
mkdir tmp
cp server_conf.yml.skel server_conf.yml
edit server_conf.yml

Change the /path/to/movie/files to real movie files path

Nginx configuration -- Only works for passenger 4.x.

server {
    listen       4567;  # <-- Change to the port you want
    server_name  server.local;  # <--  Change to your host name
    root /path/to/video/files;  # <--  Remember to point to your movie files folder
    rack_env production;
    passenger_enabled on;
    passenger_app_root /webapps/movie_server; # <-- This is where you place this code
    error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
    location = /50x.html {
        root   html;

Now run(as root):

nginx -s reload # if nginx is running

Just like normal rack app running on passenger, cd to /webapps/movie_server, then run

touch tmp/restart.txt


If you using thin as your server, a new thin.yml.skel file is included in project code.

cp thin.yml.skel thin.yml
edit thin.yml              # Change to your needs
thin start -C thin.yml     # also accept restart/stop/start

You can also use this thin.yml with nginx to use load balance.

Or you can run thin as service on Linux (run as root):

thin install               # on Linux
cp thin.yml /etc/thin      # On Debian 6.x
thin start --all           # Start all thin servers

Torrents feature

You may not use it. It is really personal. If you have my BitTorrent Sync secret for my torrents, you may want to use the torrents code. Or, you can ignore these junk code.

Please do remember to put the torrents folder inside your download folder. Because, actually torrents folder should be in public folder.

Sort Torrent Date List

Change default_sort_order settings in server_conf.yml to use default sort or not.