Stack Application: React.js Frontend with Spring Boot Backend and MySQL Database

  • React.js for the frontend

Project Image

  • Axios API

Project Image

  • Spring Boot for the backend

Project Image

  • MySQL for the database

Project Image

  • Additionally, you can test the backend API using Postman

Project Image Project Image


This is a full-stack web application built using React.js for the frontend, Spring Boot for the backend, and MySQL for the database. The application allows users to submit data through a form on the React.js frontend, which is then sent to the Spring Boot backend via a RESTful API. The backend processes the data and stores it in a MySQL database. Additionally, you can test the backend API using Postman.


Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js and npm for React.js frontend
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) for Spring Boot backend
  • MySQL Database
  • Postman (for API testing)

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.


  • cd vite-React_Frontend
  • npm install
  • npm run dev (Because It is React Vite App)


  • Open IntelliJ Idea (Ultimate/Community Edition)

  • Choose open option like (forms-SpringBoot_Backend/forms)

  • Now! Your'e In project root directory forms

  • Simply start the SpringBoot Apllication

  • Congratulations! Your'e setup the Localhost server with RESTFULL API.