Basic to Advanced CSS Tutorial with Projects

Welcome to the Basic to Advanced CSS Tutorial with Projects repository! This repository is designed to be a comprehensive resource for learning Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) from the ground up, covering basic concepts to advanced techniques. Additionally, it provides practical projects to apply and reinforce your CSS skills.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to CSS
  2. Basic CSS
  3. Intermediate CSS
  4. Advanced CSS
  5. Project Showcase
  6. Contributing
  7. License

Introduction to CSS

In this section, you'll get an overview of what CSS is, its importance in web development, and how it works alongside HTML and JavaScript.

Basic CSS

Start with the fundamentals of CSS, including selectors, properties, and values. Learn how to style text, backgrounds, borders, and more.

Intermediate CSS

Dive deeper into CSS with topics like layout techniques, positioning, flexbox, and grid systems. Understand how to create complex layouts and achieve responsive designs.

Advanced CSS

Explore advanced CSS features such as animations, transitions, transformations, and custom properties. Learn how to create stunning visual effects and interactive user interfaces.

Project Showcase

Put your CSS skills into practice with a variety of projects ranging from simple exercises to complete website designs. Each project comes with instructions and starter files to help you get started.

  • Portfolio Website: Build a personal portfolio website showcasing your skills and projects.
  • E-commerce Store: Create a responsive e-commerce store layout with product listings and a shopping cart.
  • Photo Gallery: Design a dynamic photo gallery with CSS grid and lightbox features.
  • Animated Landing Page: Craft an animated landing page using CSS animations and transitions.
  • CSS Art: Challenge yourself to create artistic designs purely with CSS.


Contributions to this repository are highly encouraged! If you have corrections, suggestions, or want to add new projects, feel free to open a pull request.


This Basic to Advanced CSS Tutorial with Projects repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Thank you for choosing this repository to enhance your CSS skills. Happy coding! 🎨💻