
React.js Fundamentals Tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Github-Battle is a practice app using:

  • React.js
  • npm / Node.js
  • Webpack
  • Babel

Refer to http://courses.reactjsprogram.com/courses/reactjsfundamentals/ for more info.


These are my personal notes for setting up a basic React.js app.

  1. npm init

This creates a package.json configuration file in your root directory that npm uses to store and access basic info about your application. In particular, it stores your application's packages and dependencies.

  1. npm install --save react react-dom

This installs the react and react-dom packages as production dependencies. react is the core React.js package and react-dom is used to render React components to the DOM (as opposed to React Native).

  1. npm install --save-dev html-webpack-plugin webpack webpack-dev-server babel-{core,loader} babel-preset-react

This installs some packages to support building a basic React.js app. These are installed as development environment dependencies. webpack is used to transform and bundle code. webpack-dev-server provides some convenient features for running your app in development. babel-core is the core package used to transform future versions of JavaScript into ES5. babel-loader is used by Webpack to interface with Babel. babel-preset-react is used to transform your React JSX into JavaScript. html-webpack-plugin is used by Webpack to help generate your production HTML file(s).

  1. Create webpack.config.js

This file will go in your project root directory and is used by Webpack to determine:

  • the starting point of your app (the root JavaScript file)
  • what transformations to make on your code
  • where to save the transformed and bundled (production) code
  1. Create .babelrc

This file will also go in your project root directory and is used to tell Babel to use babel-preset-react to transform your React JSX into JavaScript.

  1. Create app subdirectory with index.html and index.js

You will create an app subdirectory containing an index.html file that html-webpack-plugin will use to generate your production HTML file. You will also create the root JavaScript file you defined in webpack.config.js as your app's entry point.

  1. Update package.json scripts

Update the package.json file created when you ran npm init. Replace the default test script with the following:

"scripts": {
  "production": "webpack -p",
  "start": "webpack-dev-server"

These two scripts will allow you to run npm run production and npm run start from the command line. npm run production will run Webpack in production mode, creating a transformed, minified, and bundled version of your app. npm run start will run webpack-dev-server which will allow you to serve your app on http://localhost:8080/ (by default) with automatic recompiling of any changes.