
Some random side projects of mine for Pythonista. Most of these are WIP. Also everything was designed on an iPad. Feel free to use and take whatever you need!

Primary LanguagePython

My Pythonista Projects

Script Name Description
speech.py Says whatever you type into it.
myemail.py Sends an email using your email account.
scores.py Generates two random scores.
tweetme.py Allows you to tweet whatever you type into a text dialog.
count_text.py Counts the amount of letters or numbers in text you ask it to.
notepad.py Create a text, python or .pyui file and/or view other files in current directory.
contact_browser.py Displays all your current contacts and allows you to search through them.
forecast.py Displays local weather using UI Module.
reminders.py Basic reminders script using UI Module.
backup.py Backs up your script library and uploads it to Dropbox.
lorem.py Generate Lorem Ipsum (Copied from Editorial script with minor changes.)
triangle_solver.py Completes the missing triangle side for you.