
🗃️ Convert LastPass CSV to KDBX

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Convert LastPass CSV to KDBX 4 (KeePass Database Format)

Get Start

  1. Export LastPass CSV file

    1. Install LastPass Browsers Extension

    2. Login LastPass with the extension

    3. Export CSV file via the extension menu: Account Options -> Advanced -> Export -> LastPass CSV File

  2. Convert to KDBX 4

    1. Open Last2KDBX

    2. Click the Load file button and select the CSV file

    3. A KDBX 4 file will be downloaded automatically.


  1. What's the password of KDBX file?

    Nothing. Just keep it empty, and you can change it with other clients. e.g.: KeeWeb

  2. Is that safe to sending my csv to your site?

    Absolutely! The transformation is totally local. Nothing will be sent to the servers.


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