GitOps - Team Demo

This repository represents and GitOps based repository that a "team" would use for managing their application workloads.

This repository contains a VS Code Remote Container configuration that provides the following:

  • Openshift CLI
  • Helm CLI
  • Flux CLI

To use it, follow the Getting Started guide, and then you must provide a .devcontainer/.env file that sets the following environment variables:

A template has been provided in .devcontainer/.env-template that you can copy and modify

  • OPENSHIFT_SERVER - The OpenShift server URL
  • OPENSHIFT_USER - The Openshift username with admin priveleges
  • OPENSHIFT_PASSWORD - The password for the Openshift user

Authenticate with Openshift

oc login --server=$OPENSHIFT_SERVER --username=$OPENSHIFT_USER --password=$OPENSHIFT_PASSWORD