
RTS (real time strategy) game similar to StarCraft, built on top of uGameCore.


RTS (real time strategy) game similar to StarCraft, built on top of uGameCore.


Download it from gamejolt. Experimental builds are available here.

Gameplay videos


  • Resource gathering
  • Constructing buildings
  • Training units
  • Only workers can gather and construct
  • Resources can be gathered directly (natural resources) or from buildings
  • Selection - objects can be selected individually or by dragging a mouse around them
  • Issuing commands : move, attack, gather, stop
  • Building placement
  • LOS - all objects have their line of sight, within which they can attack enemies
  • Object properties - attack damage, movement speed, hitpoints, etc
  • Projectiles - objects with ranged attack can shoot projectiles
  • Works in multiplayer
  • Fog of war - every friendly object reveals part of the map ; those visible parts are drawn into texture ; texture is used for custom terrain shader and minimap ; multithreaded ;
  • Minimap - draws all units on the map into a smaller part of the screen, by rendering to texture with GL functions ; also applies fog of war texture
  • AI: uses coeficients to determine which action to perform next ; it can construct, gather, train, attack, but can't defend itself
  • Pathfinding - using unity's navigation
  • and many more

Interesting links
