
Serves as template for my new courses

MIT LicenseMIT



Caption for the course.

Course Checklist

  • Course Content
    • Title, SubTitle and Description with Keyword Analysis (wordcounter.net)
    • Course Image
    • Welcome and Course Completion Message
    • Bonus Lecture
    • Bold Keywords in Description
  • Post Course Creation
    • Course Promotion Emails/Posts
      • 2 Emails on Udemy
      • 2 Emails to Email List
      • Post Update on LinkedIn, Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups
    • Update Links
      • Spring Boot Tutorial
      • Github Repos
        • Learn Page
      • in28Minutes.com
        • Course List Page
      • Teachable Free Courses
    • Create YouTube Course Preview Video
      • Add YouTube Course Preview Video as End Video for all videos
      • Make it the YouTube Default Video
    • Release atleast 20 small videos - one a day on Youtube
    • Do atleast 3 Youtube live sessions
    • After a Month
      • UFB and Packt

Link Creation

Create image

  • Zoom to 125% in Chrome and Create an Image for the Course (750px X *)
  • Upload the image to in28minutes.github.io

Search, Replace and Commit

[![Image](https://www.springboottutorial.com/images/Course-aws-certified-cloud-practitioner.png "AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification")](https://links.in28minutes.com/aws-cloud-prac-learn)

<a target='_blank' href="https://links.in28minutes.com/aws-cloud-prac-sbt" ><img src="https://www.springboottutorial.com/images/Course-aws-certified-cloud-practitioner.png" alt="Image" title="AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification"></a>

<p><a target='_blank' href="https://links.in28minutes.com/aws-cloud-prac-sbt" ><img src="https://www.springboottutorial.com/images/Course-aws-certified-cloud-practitioner.png" alt="Image" title="AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification"></a></p>

Getting Started

Introduction Videos

Required Tools

  • Node v8+ for npm
  • Visual Studio Code - Latest Version
  • Java 8+
  • Eclipse - Oxygen+ - (Embedded Maven From Eclipse)

Installing Node Js (npm) & Visual Studio Code

Installing Java, Eclipse & Embedded Maven

Troubleshooting Installations

Running Examples

  • Download the zip or clone the Git repository.
  • Unzip the zip file (if you downloaded one)
  • Open Command Prompt and Change directory (cd) to folder containing pom.xml
  • Open Eclipse
    • File -> Import -> Existing Maven Project -> Navigate to the folder where you unzipped the zip
    • Select the right project
  • Choose the Spring Boot Application file (search for file with @SpringBootApplication)
  • Right Click on the file and Run as Java Application
  • You are all Set
  • For help : use our installation guide - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBBog2r6uMCSmMVTW_QmDLyASBvovyAO3

What you'll learn

  • You will learn to Topic No 1
  • You will understand about Topic No 1
  • You will develop a great application
  • You will learn to design and develop SOAP and RESTful web services with Spring Boot
  • You will learn the magic of Spring Boot - Auto Configuration, Spring Initializr and Starter Projects
  • You will Learn the Best Practices in Developing Awesome Java Spring Applications from an Expert with 20 Years of Programming Experience
  • You will Acquire ALL the SKILLS to demonstrate an EXPERTISE with Spring Framework in Your Job Interviews
  • You will Acquire ALL the Python Skills needed to TRANSITION into Analytics, Machine Learning and Data Science Roles
  • You will Develop a REAL-TIME project with Angular and Spring Boot from SCRATCH
  • You will Join 250,000 Learners having AMAZING LEARNING Experiences with in28Minutes
  • You will Learn Spring Framework the MODERN WAY - The way Real Projects use it!
  • You will Become a COMPLETE Spring Developer - With the ability to write Great Unit Tests
  • You will Go from a Total Beginner to an Experienced Spring Developer
  • You will Become the go to guy for Fixing Spring Framework problems in Your Project
  • You will Build an Amazing Single Page Application combining Angular with Spring Boot REST APIs
  • You will Master Fundamentals of Spring Framework from Zero, no previous experience required
  • You will Learn Basics of ....
  • You will Get expertise in the toolchain supporting Spring, including Spring Boot, Maven, Eclipse, JUnit and Mockito
  • You will Understand the LATEST frameworks and technologies, including Spring Boot, Maven, Eclipse, JUnit and Mockito.
  • You will learn to connect web services to JPA/Hibernate with Spring Boot
  • You will understand how to implement Exception Handling, Validation, HATEOAS and filtering for RESTful Web Services.
  • You will learn to use a wide variety of Spring Boot Starter Projects - Spring Boot Web, Spring Boot Web Services, Spring Boot Data JPA
  • You will learn how to version, monitor (Spring Boot Actuator) and document (Swagger) your RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot
  • You will understand the best practices in designing RESTful web services
  • You will understand about WSDL, SOAP Header, SOAP Body, SOAP Fault, XSD, JAXB and EndPoint
  • You will develop a Todo Management Application step by step with login and logout functionalities
  • You will learn to use an Annotation based approach - @RequestParam, @ModelAttribute, @SessionAttributes
  • You will understand the basics of developing a Web Application - POST, GET, HTTP, MVC Pattern
  • You will learn the basics of JSP, JSTL, EL, Spring Tag Libraries
  • You will learn some of the magic of Spring Boot
  • You will understand Spring MVC in depth - DispatcherServlet , Model, Controllers and ViewResolver
  • You will learn the magic of Spring Boot - Auto Configuration, Spring Initializr and Starter Projects
  • You will learn to develop RESTful web services with Spring Boot
  • You will learn to develop a Web Application connecting to JPA/Hibernate Step by Step with Spring MVC and Spring Boot
  • You will learn to use a wide variety of Spring Boot Starter Projects - Spring Boot Web, Spring Boot Test, Spring Boot Data JPA, Spring Boot Data REST
  • You will understand Spring MVC in depth - DispatcherServlet , Model, Controllers and ViewResolver
  • You will understand how to make best use of Spring Boot Actuator and Spring Boot Developer Tools
  • You will learn how to externalise application configuration using Spring Boot Profiles and Dynamic Configuration
  • You will understand and use the embedded servlet container options provided by Spring Boot - Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow
  • You will learn to write great Unit and Integration tests using Spring Boot Starter Test
  • You will learn the basics of Spring Framework - Dependency Injection, IOC Container, Application Context and Bean Factory.
  • You will understand how to use Spring Annotations - @Autowired, @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Configuration, @Primary....
  • You will understand Spring MVC in depth - DispatcherServlet , Model, Controllers and ViewResolver
  • You will use a variety of Spring Boot Starters - Spring Boot Starter Web, Starter Data Jpa, Starter Test
  • You will learn the basics of Spring Boot, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC and JPA
  • You will learn the basics of Eclipse, Maven, JUnit and Mockito
  • You will develop a basic Web application step by step using JSP Servlets and Spring MVC
  • You will learn to write unit tests with XML, Java Application Contexts and Mockito


  • You have an attitude to learn while having fun :)
  • You have some programming experience with Java and you are a Spring Framework beginner
  • This not a beginner course — You should be confident in coding HTML and CSS before taking the course

Copy Writing Phrases For This Course


  • wordcounter.net

Questions To Ask Yourselves

  • What's in it for the Student?
  • What are the top questions in students mind?
  • What are the appealing subject lines?
  • Subject Line - Ask a Question. Create Curiosity. Tease to What's Inside. Make a Bold Promise.
    • Start 2018 with 6 Best Selling Courses
    • ⏰ Only hours left! ⏰ Claim your Black Friday offer now Inbox
    • [NEW COURSE] How to become a Software Architect?
    • ⚡⚡⚡ [UDEMY BLACK FRIDAY] - Premium Courses for $10
    • Just Released - Three Amazing FREE Courses
    • Change Your Life Through Online Learning
    • If You are Ready to Change Your Life...
    • Is it Your Time... (to become an architect)
    • By Far, The Easiest Way? ... (to learn full stack development)
    • #1 Skill For Years to Come
    • Do You have the #1 Skill for a Java Developer?
    • Do You want to be Future Proof?
    • Why do I love Teaching Online?
    • Are You Ready to Make a Career Defining Move?
    • 5 Tips to Write Blog Introductions Like a Pro
    • 17 Facts About Content Marketing That You Didn’t Know
    • 6 Insights to the Future of Search Engine Optimization
    • Top 10 Small Business Plan Templates That Succeeded
    • 5 Steps I Took to Write My First Kindle Book (And How You Can Do It in 4 Steps)
    • How to Conquer Writer’s Block in 6 Simple Steps
    • Case Study: How Courage Helped Me to Build a 6 Figure Online Business
    • How to Get Rid of Content Marketing Failure and Drive Search Traffic
    • Stop Wasting Time: Get Rid of Flashy Social Media Tools and Get More Done
    • 7 Smart Ways to Get Rid of Affiliate Marketing Struggle and Make More Money
    • And the Winner for Best Film About Design Is…
  • Use You and Me Language - Show Empathy. Describe Problem. Show Solution. Show Expertise. CTA.
  • Content
    • Think about Slippery Slide
    • You know, it would be nice if the Journey to become a Software Architect is Plain and Easy. But, unfortunately, life isn't that easy - we all know that.
    • I know these can work for you, too.
    • Get EVERY course below for just $10 - The Lowest Price I'm allowed to offer
    • To Your Success! Ranga
    • Headshot Image
    • Follow up Email - Wed and next Tue or Mon and Fri

How to become a Full Stack Developer? This is the number two question that I’m asked when talking to Programmers and Senior Developers.

In this course, You will learn the Basics of Full Stack Development developing a Basic Todo Management Application using Angular, Spring Boot and Spring Security Frameworks.

For existing in28Minutes Learners, we are creating a special offer for just $9.99. This is the LOWEST possible price allowable on Udemy. 

As always, you receive a full 30-day, unconditional money back guarantee because I know you are going to love our courses!


You will learn Basics of Building awesome frontend applications with Angular. You will learn the basic of Angular - Angular Modules, Components, Data Binding and Routing. You will be introduced to building great RESTful APIs with Spring Boot. You will learn to use Spring Security to configure Basic Authentication and JWT. You will learn to solve the challenges of connecting an Angular Frontend to a RESTful API


Happy coding and thanks for being a student!


Thank you for all the love!

#in28Minutes #ImLearningIn28Minutes #ImLovingIn28Minutes

Good Luck and Keep Learning in28Minutes

Java Course RoadMap Image at the End!


REST? Yes. Spring Boot? Yes SOAP? Yes Best Practices? Yes Hands-on? Of course. Zero Programming Experience? No Problem.

Do you have ZERO programming Experience? Do you want to learn Java with an easy to learn, step by step approach? Are you ready to master Java and take the next step in your programming career? Do you want to Master Building Great Java Web Services - both RESTful and SOAP - with Spring Boot? Do you want to join 250,000+ learners having Amazing Learning Experiences with in28Minutes?

Look No Further!

******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners *******

★★★★★ Review 1 ★★★★★ Review 2 ★★★★★ Review 3 ★★★★★ Review 4 ★★★★★ Review 5

******* Course Overview *******

Developing your first application with XYZ Framework is fun.

Introduction to XYZ Framework..

In this course, you will learn the basics developing a Basic Todo Management Application using XYZ Framework.

You will build the application step by step - in more than 25 steps. This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to XYZ Framework.

You will be using Spring (Dependency Management), Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization), BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.

******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******

in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.

Each of these courses come with ✔ Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences ✔ Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks ✔ Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered ✔ Friendly Support in the Q&A section ✔ Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course

★★★★★ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million
★★★★★ A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course.
★★★★★ This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be.
★★★★★ The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does.
★★★★★ I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early.
★★★★★ Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.

Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!

******* Step By Step Details *******
- 01 Step 01 - 
- 01 Step 02 - 
- 01 Step 03 - 
- 01 Step 04 - 
- 01 Step 05 - 
- 01 Step 06 - 
- 01 Step 07 - 
- 01 Step 08 - 
- 02 Step 01 - 
- 02 Step 02 - 
- 02 Step 03 - 
- 02 Step 04 - 
- 02 Step 05 - 
- 02 Step 06 - 
- 02 Step 07 - 
- 02 Step 08 - 
- 03 Step 01 - 
- 03 Step 02 - 
- 03 Step 03 - 
- 03 Step 04 - 
- 03 Step 05 - 
- 03 Step 06 - 
- 03 Step 07 - 
- 03 Step 08 - 
- 04 Step 01 - 
- 04 Step 02 - 
- 04 Step 03 - 
- 04 Step 04 - 
- 04 Step 05 - 
- 04 Step 06 - 
- 04 Step 07 - 
- 04 Step 08 - 
- 05 Step 01 - 
- 05 Step 02 - 
- 05 Step 03 - 
- 05 Step 04 - 
- 05 Step 05 - 
- 05 Step 06 - 
- 05 Step 07 - 
- 05 Step 08 - 
- 06 Step 01 - 
- 06 Step 02 - 
- 06 Step 03 - 
- 06 Step 04 - 
- 06 Step 05 - 
- 06 Step 06 - 
- 06 Step 07 - 
- 06 Step 08 - 
- 07 Step 01 - 
- 07 Step 02 - 
- 07 Step 03 - 
- 07 Step 04 - 
- 07 Step 05 - 
- 07 Step 06 - 
- 07 Step 07 - 
- 07 Step 08 - 
- 08 Step 01 - 
- 08 Step 02 - 
- 08 Step 03 - 
- 08 Step 04 - 
- 08 Step 05 - 
- 08 Step 06 - 
- 08 Step 07 - 
- 08 Step 08 - 
- 09 Step 01 - 
- 09 Step 02 - 
- 09 Step 03 - 
- 09 Step 04 - 
- 09 Step 05 - 
- 09 Step 06 - 
- 09 Step 07 - 
- 09 Step 08 - 

- 01 Step 01 - 
- 01 Step 02 - 
- 01 Step 03 - 
- 01 Step 04 - 
- 01 Step 05 - 
- 01 Step 06 - 
- 01 Step 07 - 
- 01 Step 08 - 
- 01 Step 09 - 
- 01 Step 10 - 
- 01 Step 11 - 
- 01 Step 12 - 
- 01 Step 13 - 
- 01 Step 14 - 
- 01 Step 15 - 
- 01 Step 16 - 
- 01 Step 17 - 
- 01 Step 18 - 
- 01 Step 19 - 
- 01 Step 20 - 
- 01 Step 21 - 
- 01 Step 22 - 
- 01 Step 23 - 
- 01 Step 24 - 
- 01 Step 25 - 
- 01 Step 26 - 
- 01 Step 27 - 
- 01 Step 28 - 
- 01 Step 29 - 
- 01 Step 30 - 
- 01 Step 31 - 
- 01 Step 32 - 
- 01 Step 33 - 
- 01 Step 34 - 
- 01 Step 35 - 

Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!

for file in *; do mv "${file}" "${file//-/ }"; done
for file in *; do mv "${file}" "${file//   / - }"; done
for file in *; do mv "${file}" "${file//01 Step/Step}"; done

### Course Recording Notes

#### Preview Video
- Welcome to course on *** in ** simple steps.
- I'm Ranga Karanam. I've so and so much experience with ... I've been using this framework for ...
- At in28minutes, we ask one question everyday - How to create more effective courses? All our success - *** students on Udemy and *** subscribers on Youtube - is a result of this pursuit of excellence.
- You will develop *** and *** using ***
- You will  learn the basics like *** and move on to the advanced concepts like ***.
- You will use 
  - ... todo ...
  - Maven for dependency management, building and running the application in tomcat.
  - Eclipse IDE
- All the code for this course and the step by step details are in our Github repository. 
- We have an awesome installation guide to help you install Maven and Eclipse. You are NOT expected to have any experience with Eclipse, Maven, or Tomcat.
- What are we waiting for? Lets have some fun with *** in *** steps. We had a lot of fun creating this course for you and We are confident that you will have a lot of fun. I hope you are as excited as we are to learn more. Go ahead and enroll for the course. Or take a test drive with a free preview. See you in the course.

#### Course Intro Video
- Welcome to this course on ***. We are excited to teach you how to build awesome ***. 
- In this video, we introduce you to the different sections of the course. By the end of the video you should have a clear idea of how to make the best use of the course.
- We have organized this course into 6 different sections. We have designed each section to be independent of each other. That means, you have the flexibility of customizing the course based on your skills and your needs. 
- If you have experience with Spring and Spring Boot, you can skip these sections.
- Lets get a quick overview of each of the sections now:
  - Section I is an one hour introduction to Spring 
  - Section II is an one hour introduction to Spring Boot..
- In summary this is your course. Feel free to create your own path and tailor it to your needs.
- I will see you in the next video where we introduce you to our github repository

#### Overview of the Github Repository
- Welcome Back. In this video, we give you an overview of how our github repository for this course is organized. 
- Github repository for this course is at ****.
- Home page of the github repository has an overview of the course and installation guide
- For each hands-on section of the course, we have a seperate folder in the repository. You can see these five folders for *** different sections
  - Folder 1 contains ...
  - Folder 2 contains ...
  - Folder 3 contains ...
- Each of these folders contain
  - Step by Step details of the sections
  - Complete code example at the end of the section
  - Intermediate backups at different stages of the section
  - Useful Links
- For example, let's look at the folder for ***. Home page of the folder contains
  - Step by step details : What are we going to do in each step
  - Useful Links : Different links that would be useful during the course
  - Complete Code, Snippets and Examples : Example code that your can use during the section. For example, If you are using a class and you do not know the package of the class, you can search here and quickly find what you would need.
  - Intermediate Backups : You can download any of these zips and import them into Eclipse as maven projects. File > Import > Existing Maven Projects.
  - Understanding our github repository is key part of making best use of this course. I recommend to spend some time with our github repository and I will see you in the next video.

#### Installation of Tools Video
- In this video, we will help you install all the basic tools to get you started with the course
- We use 
  - Maven for Dependency Management
  - Eclipse as IDE
  - ..
- Step by step details to install Java, Eclipse and Maven are in the installation guide present here. Also included are links to 5 videos that will help you to install and trouble shoot installations.
- If you have any problems during the course, we recommend you to look at the troubleshooting section of the installation playlist.
- Get your tools ready and I will see you in the course

#### Each Section Introduction
- Why is this section important to the course?
-  What is discussed in this section?
- What is the github folder for this section?
- Can a student skip this sections?
- Is there a trouble shooting guide?
- What are the backups available?
- Are examples in this section dependent on any other section?

#### Conclusion Video
- Congratulations! You have successfully completed the course on ... We covered a wide range of topics starting from Spring, Spring Boot to ..... I'm sure you had a lot of fun doing this course. If you loved this course, we would love to hear from you. Do not forget to leave us a review. Until we see you in another in28minutes course, here's bye from the team here at in28minutes.
- To find out more about *** use these References  

## Templates

### Welcome Message

## ADD A FEW SAMPLE REVIEWS AFter a couple of months
## ADD A FEW SAMPLE REVIEWS - in the description of the course 

Congratulations on joining this course from in28Minutes. 

There are three things you need to understand before you start this course!

1...... Listen + See + Do Hands-on + Repeat = 90% Retention
For the first 2 hours, we repeat a few concepts to help you retain them. .

2...... Set Yourself a Goal
Set 1 hour aside every day for the next week for this course! No exceptions allowed :) 

3...... Udemy asks you for a review very early in the course! If you are not ready for giving a review, you can skip giving a review.

Thank you and enjoy the course,
Ranga From in28Minutes

### Thank You for completing the course message

Congratulations on completing the course from in28Minutes. in28Minutes has 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to Half a Million Learners across the world.

I would love to see you in another in28Minutes course.

Good Luck for your future.

To Your Success!
Ranga from in28Minutes

### Bonus Lectures  

TITLE : Bonus Lecture : 20 Best-Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences

I hope you enjoyed the course! in28Minutes has 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to Half a Million Learners across the world.

You can connect with me and share your success on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rangakaranam/. I would love to see your Course Completion Certificates!

We would like to thank you for all the love. Here are exclusive coupons handpicked for you, to continue your learning journey.

Each of these courses come with
✔ Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences
✔ Practical, Real World Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks
✔ Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course

- Copy relevant courses from https://github.com/in28minutes/learn

Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!


- Include Java RoadMap Image
- Make Keywords Bold!


### Review Management Message 

Good day! I'm contacting you regarding your feedback on an in28Minutes course. I observe that you have given our course a very low rating. I understand that you might have faced problems with the course.
in28Minutes has 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world. 
At in28minutes, we consider feedback as a vital part of cycle of providing the best possible course for students. 
We would love to hear from you what we can do to improve our course futher.
If you would want to reconsider your rating, you can visit the course page now. You can find help here on how to update your review - https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/229234267-Leaving-and-Editing-a-Course-Review
Feel Free to Message Me If You Have any Questions.

Good Luck and Cheers!
To Your Success

Thank you for all the love!
Good Luck and Keep Learning in28Minutes

#in28Minutes #ImLearningIn28Minutes #ImLovingIn28Minutes

## Exercises

## Future Things To Do

### Troubleshooting
- Refer our TroubleShooting Guide - https://github.com/in28minutes/in28minutes-initiatives/tree/master/The-in28Minutes-TroubleshootingGuide-And-FAQ

## Youtube Playlists - 500+ Videos

[Click here - 30+ Playlists with 500+ Videos on Spring, Spring Boot, REST, Microservices and the Cloud](https://www.youtube.com/user/rithustutorials/playlists?view=1&sort=lad&flow=list)

## Keep Learning in28Minutes

in28Minutes is creating amazing solutions for you to learn Spring Boot, Full Stack and the Cloud - Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, React, Angular etc. - [Check out all our courses here](https://github.com/in28minutes/learn)