
This role will setup a Nginx web server that passes incoming requests to a remote FastCGI application (using PHP-FPM).

MIT LicenseMIT

Nginx FastCGI

Build Status

This role will setup a Nginx web server that passes incoming requests to a remote FastCGI application (using PHP-FPM).


No specific requirements needed

Role Variables

The following variables are used within the role defined in defaults/main.yml and overridden by vars/main.yml:

  • nginx_timezone: Sets the timezone the server will be running in (default: UTC)
  • nginx_apt_key: The official Nginx GPG Public Key (default: https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key)
  • nginx_apt_keyid: The official Nginx GPG Public Key ID (default: ABF5BD827BD9BF62)
  • nginx_apt_list: The Nginx repository (default: "deb http://nginx.org/packages/debian {{ ansible_lsb.codename }} nginx")
  • server_hostname: Setting the hostname Nginx will listen to (default: {{ inventory_hostname }}.example.com)
  • nginx_docroot: The document root of the application to display content (default: "/var/www/app")
  • nginx_user_group: The user group used for the web application (default: webapp)
  • nginx_user_name: The user name used for the web application (default: webapp)
  • package: The package to install (default: nginx)

The following variables are used in templates/nginx_fcgi.conf:

  • ansible_host: The hostname or IP address of the hosts used for the web server (see Example Inventory)


No dependencies

Example Inventory

web1 ansible_host=
web2 ansible_host=


Example Playbook

- name: Provision boxes
  hosts: all
  become: true
    - { role: all, tags: [ 'common', 'all' ] }

- name: Set up the web server
  hosts: web
  become: true
    - { role: nginx, tags: [ 'nginx', 'web' ] }



Author Information

Michelangelo van Dam (michelangelo+github@in2it.be)