Welcome to PlayerBuddy

PlayerBuddy is your ultimate companion in the world of sports and gaming! It's designed to bring sports enthusiasts together, making it a breeze to connect with fellow players for exciting games and events. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a rookie, PlayerBuddy is here to elevate your sports experience to a whole new level!

Discover, Join, Play!

Looking for someone to team up with for that epic pickleball game, basketball showdown, soccer match, or an adrenaline-pumping game of tennis? Look no further! With PlayerBuddy, you can easily post upcoming games, complete with all the essential details like location, date, time, and a list of players joining the game. It's like your personal sports invitation platform, ready to get the party started.

Stay in the Game!

But PlayerBuddy is not just about finding a game. It's also your go-to source for discovering upcoming sports events in your area. Stay in the loop, never miss out on the latest happenings, and get ready to cheer for your favorite teams or athletes!

Join the Fun!

Are you excited yet? So are we! Join the PlayerBuddy community, where every day is a game day. Let's play, join, and have a blast together!

Running the Project

We have 2 projects:

  • Back-end: GitHub Repository

    • After cloning the repo, run npm install
    • npm run dev
    • You'll see ✓ Listening on Port 8000! and you're all set.
  • Front-end: GitHub Repository

    • After cloning the repo, run npm install
    • npm run start
    • You'll see http://localhost:3000, which is the App link. You're good to go!

User Authentication

Users need to register and log in first to be able to join games and interact.


API URL: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/

Schemas and Data Structure


Name, Username, Email Address, Password, Years of Experience, List of Joined Games, Date of Birth, Address (House/Apt Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code), Profile Image, Phone Number


SportType, Description, Date, Time, Location (Court Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code), List of Players, Number of Players, Fees (Free/Paid), Indoor/Outdoor, Weather on That Date, Notes

Technologies Used

Front-end (React.js, Figma, Material UI) Back-end (Node.js, MongoDB, Express).


Tammam Alwafai - tammam.wafai@gmail.com Vitalii Popovych - popovych@gmail.com Ljiljana Janjic - ljiljajanjic@gmail.com Selam Yihew - syihew@gmail.com Oxana Michkasova - oxana.mitch@gmail.com Fany - fkreminsky@gmail.com


We kindly request that you seek permission from the project's contributors, particularly when considering the commercial use of this project.