OpenVPN Access server

Provides a web frontend with OpenID Connect authentication that can create and sign new openvpn client certificates. The client certificates and ca.crt/ca.key are stored in S3. An ovpn config is generated and offered as a download. The client crt/key can be encrypted (at rest) using AWS KMS.


Environment Variable Description
OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID client id
OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET client secret
OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URL callback, e.g. http://url/callback
OAUTH2_URL oidc url, e.g. https://url/oidc
OAUTH2_SCOPES override oauth2 scopes
CSRF_KEY 32-byte-long-auth-key
CLIENT_CERT_ORG organisation
STORAGE_TYPE s3 or azblob (azure blob storage), default is s3
S3_BUCKET s3 bucket where openvpn config is stored
S3_PREFIX s3 prefix, e.g. openvpn
S3_KMS_ARN KMS ARN to encrypt s3 objects
AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME azure storage account name (when storage type azure)
AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY azure storage account key. Leave empty for Managed Service Identity (MSI) (when storage type azure)
AZ_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONTAINER azure storage account container (when storage type azure)