
Review accepted values of `visibility` in several concepts

jmfernandez opened this issue · 2 comments

Review accepted values of visibility in the data model - visibility level of participant is not being used at the moment and is not planned to be used in the future.

I have removed participant as a possible value for visibility in Dataset in f6f737c.

But I'm keeping this issue open, because I think this attribute should be a managed one, one which should not be changeable through a document update.

Indeed, it should be an attribute inherent to any entry in the database, not only to Dataset entries. And it should be visible through @visibility. What do you think @redmitry @jlgelpi ?

We have discarded the idea of an additional @visibility attribute. We have been developing and updating these days the privileges matrix, at . Now other components, like the Keycloak plugin, which take into account both privileges and dataset visibility have to be developed to fulfill it.