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Which information and format the cas log has to create

@AnibalMG Created a Virtual machine for gathering logs and put into elasticsearch,
so @jmfernandez if you want to integrate the CAS log into this you should ask to @AnibalMG on how to do it

We should agree on a standard format for logs:

I was thinking of:

DATE/APPLICATION(cas,genomics)/LEVEL(high,medium,low)/ACTION(log in,query,etc.)/USER/DETAILS

what do you think?

I agree more or less with your proposal. As we are setting the physical
format of the log files, I would prefer to use tabs instead of slashes
as separators. I also suggest that timestamps should follow ISO-8601
standard, including the time zone (so we can compare timestamps from
logs generated on different geographical locations).

About the user field, I guess you are referring to the cas user, right?

On 06/09/2015 09:46 AM, Davide Piscia wrote:

We should agree on a standard format for logs:

I was thinking of:


what do you think?

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José María Fernández González
Tlfn: (+34) 91 732 80 00 / 91 224 69 00 (ext 3061)
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Unidad del Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática
Biología Estructural y Biocomputación Structural Biology and Biocomputing
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas
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Yes to all! an interesting tool