Data Science Datasets AI Hub waymo korquad 2.0 PAWS-X Kaggle 캐글 코리아 캐글 스터디 커널 커리큘럼 Data Science Glossary on Kaggle Winning solutions of kaggle competitions Machine Learning Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow 머신러닝 인터뷰 준비 Deep Learning Build and Deploy an End-to-End Deep Learning System 모두를 위한 머신러닝/딥러닝 강의 A Recipe for Training Neural Networks 번역 딥러닝 스터디 자료 모음 awesome-network-embedding PR12 딥러닝 논문읽기 모임-논문요약 NLP 딥 러닝을 이용한 자연어 처리 입문 📖 Natural Language Processing with PyTorch 📖 fastText (Facebook) (Library) 네이버, 창원대가 함께하는 NLP Challenge KoBERT - RL Fundamental of Reinforcement Learning Time-Series Forecasting: Principles and Practice 📖 Open Machine Learning Course. Topic 9. Part 1. Time series analysis in Python (Python Tutorial) Prophet (Facebook) (Library) Recommendation System Keras KEKOxTutorial (Tutorial) ML Ops tools Etc medium - open-machine-learning-course 자습해도 모르겠던 딥러닝, 머리속에 인스톨 시켜드립니다. dvc: data version control 그로스해킹 강의안