
Docker build for Jenkins behind nginx server

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Docker build for running a jenkins server behind nginx (w/ google oAuth as authentication) docker-in-docker is available so Jenkins can launch dockerized builds

Container setup


The docker container will run the supervisor daemon on startup (through /scripts/start.sh). Supervisor will start all processes as defined in ./conf/supervisor, which includes jenkins, nginx and docker

Nginx variables

The nginx variables are dynamically populated upon container startup. All available environment variables passed to the docker container with the prefix NGINX_ will be available inside the nginx server configuration. These allow the nginx configuration to be dynamically populated at run time, so proxy endpoints for example can be modified dynamically. See run example below for how to pass an env file on run time.

Nginx Configuration

See the nginx config readme for more details

Managing & running containers


Inside any of the subcontainers, run

docker build -t jenkins-nginx ./

where -t is the tag name we give the container


To enable DIND, we need to run the container in privileged mode. To run the container, execute

docker run --privileged --dns -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v ~/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home --env-file ~/.jenkins_env --name jenkins-nginx jenkins-nginx

  • -p here is binding to the usual 80/443 ports
  • -v param maps internal jenkins_home volume to a folder on host.
  • --env-file sources the environment variables from the provided file