
CSS style guide

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This package provides UCUDAL's base CSS .stylelintrc as an extensible shared config.

Extends stylelint-config-standard.


  1. Install the correct versions of each peer dependency, which are listed by the command:
npm info "@ucudal/stylelint-config@latest" peerDependencies

Linux/OSX users can run:

  export PKG=@ucudal/stylelint-config;
  npm info "$PKG@latest" peerDependencies --json | command sed 's/[\{\},]//g ; s/: /@/g' | xargs npm install --save-dev "$PKG@latest"

Which produces and runs a command like:

npm install --save-dev @ucudal/stylelint-config@latest stylelint@^x.y.z

Windows users can install the @ucudal/stylelint-config and all its peer dependencies manually.

  1. Add "extends": "@ucudal/stylelint-config" to your .stylelintrc file.