
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT




Setup Flutter

  • install flutter https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install (install android studio for android sdk and xcode for ios)

  • Install the VS code flutter extension

  • Run flutter doctor (View > Comand Palett.. Flutter: Run Flutter Doctor) and resolve all issues.

  • To Connect a device run flutter emulators which will list all available emulators. Then choose flutter emulators --launch EMULATOR NAME the selected device is displayed in the VS Code status bar (blue at bottom) and can be changed there (download Android Studios / Xcode for emualtors/simulators)

  • Go to debugger to run the app (create a launch config file an select dart & flutter)

see section Run the app for help: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/test-drive?tab=vscode


  • (run flutter pub get to install the dependencies) is run automagically

  • Go to debugger to run the app (hotreload)

  • run make watch_generate_code to generate injectables

  • use @Environment(Env.mock) to annotate mock classes. Use @Environment(Env.dev) to annotate dev classes. Use @Environment(Env.prod) to annotate prod classes.

add translation:

  • add the translation to the translation files (i18n > [lang].json)
  • update the generated translations by opening the VSC command palette and use Flutter I18n Json: Update

code organisation:

  • most of the code is in ui. screens for ui specific logic (views and view models). core for shared logic (services).

  • business contains entities.

  • data contains repositories.

Branching Strategy

This repository uses the GitLab Flow branching strategy. All branches should be created from master. Create feature or release branches.