
Java examples with basics integration for InAppStorySDK

Primary LanguageKotlin

InAppStorySDK Samples

Java and Kotlin samples with basics integration for InAppStorySDK. Full documentation can be found in the InAppStorySDK repository

Get started

  • clone repository to your computer;
  • in DemoApplication class pass you integration key from console in getApiKey method

Samples description

  • BasicIntegrationSample - minimum required integration steps for basic usage
  • AdvancedCellSample - change cell settings using the SDK tools
  • CustomCellSample - creating your own list cell that replaces defaults
  • FavoritesSample - enable favorites feature and display a list of favorite stories. Also contain sample for custom favorite cell and custom list cell
  • ReaderCustomizationSample - customize settings in stories reader
  • OnboardingSample - work with onboarding stories
  • SingleStorySample - work with a single story
  • UserChangeSample - change user in SDK
  • TagsPlaceholdersSample - work with placeholders and tags
  • NotificationSubscribeSample - tracking basic events from SDK with callbacks (read more in full documentation)
  • DefaultWidgetSample - work with default implementation of goods widget
  • CustomCellWidgetSample - customize items representation in goods widget (still using RecyclerView)
  • CustomWidgetSample - full customization for goods widget