
Primary LanguageGrammatical Framework


Basic sentences

Pred Restaurant (Serve Burger)

  • the restaurant serves the burger

Pred Customer (Order Burger)

  • the customer orders the burger


Pred Customer (May (Order Burger))

  • the customer may order the burger

You can certainly overgenerate, and a lot of the trees don't make semantic sense, but it's grammatical :-D

Pred Customer (May Finish)

  • the customer may finish

Pred Customer (May (May Finish))

  • the customer may be allowed to finish

Sentence complements

Pred Restaurant (Confirm (Pred Customer Finish))

  • the restaurant confirms that the customer finishes

(TODO: tenses -- would like to have "customer is finished" too?)

Time expressions

Two variants in the linearisation:

Transition (Within 999) (Pred Customer Finish)

  • the customer finishes within 999 minutes
  • within 999 minutes , the customer finishes

Transition (Upon Sim (Pred Customer (Order Burger))) (Pred Restaurant Finish)

  • upon the customer ordering the burger , the restaurant finishes
  • the restaurant finishes upon the customer ordering the burger

Transition (Upon Ant (Pred Customer (Order Burger))) (Pred Restaurant Finish)

  • upon the customer having ordered the burger , the restaurant finishes
  • the restaurant finishes upon the customer having ordered the burger

EndOfChallenge can also be an Event.

Transition (Upon Sim EndOfChallenge) (Pred Customer (Order Burger))

  • upon the end of challenge , the customer orders the burger