
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spend IQ

Submission for The Great India Hackathon - Jabalpur

Spend IQ Logo


SpendIQ is a comprehensive application that enables you to track your income and expenses and also provides valuable insights on current stock trends, enabling you to make informed investment decisions.


  1. Incentives
  2. Time Series Display
  3. Finance Tracker
  4. Overview Dashboard


Explore SpendIQ with this product tour video.


Business Model

  1. User Subscription
  2. Tie-up with Companies for Incentives
  3. Commission from Professional Analysts

Tech Stack and Softwares used

  • Frontend: React.js, JavaScript, MaterialUI, SASS, HTML
  • Backend: Node.js
  • IDE: Visual Studio Code
  • Version Control: Git

Third-Party Integration Requirements

  • Google Authentication

Installation/Environment Setup

  1. Clone this repository in your local system.
  • Open terminal in a new folder and enter the command given below.
    git clone https://github.com/inaxia/SpendIQ.git
  1. Make sure that Node is installed and updated in your machine.

  2. Install dependencies.

  • Open terminal in the cloned folder and enter the commands given below.
    npm install
  1. Run the project.
  • Inside the cloned folder, write the following command in terminal to run the application locally.
    npm start
  1. If everything is done in order, the application will be running at your localhost "http://localhost:3000/".

Future Scopes

  1. Automatic Payment Tracking
  2. Onboarding Professional Analysts
  3. Tie-ups with more Companies like Plutos One
  4. Mobile Application


A presentation for the project can be found here: Spend IQ | Presentation.

Thank you ReSkill for such a wonderful hackathon ❤️