
This is a Java-based application to encrypt select configuration parameters that require encryption for the Educator Dashboard.

Primary LanguageJava

Encryption Tool

This is a Java-based application to encrypt select configuration parameters that require encryption for the Educator Dashboard.

Usage: java -jar encryption-tool.jar <keystore_location> <keystore_password> <key_alias> <key_password>

keystore_location - the location of the keystore file keystore_password - the password of the keystore file key_alias - the key alias key_password - the key password string - the string to be encrypted

In order to create a distribution, run the following Maven command in the cloned directory: % mvn package –DskipTests

The distribution will be created under target.


Encryption Tool is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE-2.0.txt for full license text.