=== Habakiri === Contributors: inc2734, shinichin, ishidaweb, mignonstyle, tkc49, mekemoke Donate link: http://www.amazon.co.jp/registry/wishlist/39ANKRNSTNW40 Tags: white, fixed-layout, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, editor-style, sticky-post, microformats, featured-images, custom-colors, custom-menu, custom-background, custom-header, custom-colors Requires at least: 4.1 Tested up to: 4.7.0 Stable tag: 2.5.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: license.txt == Description == Habakiri is the simple theme based on Bootstrap 3. This theme's goal is to create a responsive, bootstrap based WordPress theme quickly. The design is very simple, easy to create of child theme. Features are, 100% responsive layouts, the Glyphicons, Genericons, Font Awesome icons, 7 page templates, 8 header design patterns, many color settings, a lot of hooks, related posts, minified CSS and JavaScript, Sass and PHP Class in functions.php. == Installation == = Installation using "Add New Theme" = 1. From your Admin UI (Dashboard), go to Appearance => Themes. Click the "Add New" button. 2. Search for theme, or click the "Upload" button, and then select the theme you want to install. 3. Click the "Install Now" button. = Manual installation = 1. Upload the "habakiri" folder to the "/wp-content/themes/" directory. = Activiation and Use = 1. Activate the Theme through the "Themes" menu in WordPress. == Third-party resources == Bootstrap License: MIT Source : http://getbootstrap.com/ HTML5 Shiv License: MIT/GPL2 License Source : https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv Genericons License: GPL Source : http://genericons.com/ Font Awesome Font License: SIL OFL 1.1 Code License: MIT License Source : https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/ Unsplash License: CC0 Source : https://download.unsplash.com/24/5895672523_2e8ce56485_o.jpg Source : https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1427805371062-cacdd21273f1?fm=jpg Source : https://images.unsplash.com/42/pygwO3glRbaBCh2uRyd4_8420_rgb.jpg slick License: MIT Source : http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ == Theme features == = Logo setting = You can upload a logo image in Customizer. = 7 page templates = * Right Sidebar ( default ) * Left Sidebar * No Sidebar * Full Width ( Fixed ) * Full Width ( Fluid ) * Blank Page * Rich Front Page = Slider = You can use slider with BxSlider. The slider can be used in "Rich Front Page" template. = 5 blog layouts = * Right Sidebar ( default ) * Left Sidebar * No Sidebar * Full Width ( Fixed ) * Full Width ( Fluid ) = Header paterns = * Left logo + Right global navigation ( default ) * Left logo + Right global navigation + Transparency * Top Left logo + Bottom Left global navigation * Top Center logo + Bottom Center global navigation * The fixed and non-fixed layout are provided for each layouts above. = Widget areas = * Sidebar * Footer ( You can select number of columns ) = Navigation = * Global navigation ( in header ) * Social navigation ( in footer ) If you enter URLs of social services, their icons will appear. = HTML5, Microformats compatible = HTML5 mark upped. Page structure follows Bootstrap and it's kept as simple as possible. Micro formats compatible. WordPress, by default, outputs a class "hentry", which belongs to microformats and so this theme adjust everything with it. = Front end page speed optimization = Front end page optimization for speed is done by the theme. Compression/combining of CSS/Javascript files, and loading Javascripts on footer. Original files and SASS files are also bundled (but not loaded) in the theme, so you can use them on customizing. = Useful CSS class = * .section: A class for sectioning contents with margins in, for example, one page design. * .section.section--image: A class to adjust background image for a section. * .section.section--fixed: A fixed version of section.section--image class. * .section .section__title: A class for section title. * jumbotron .btn-default: A class which is provided in Bootstrap but I've customized it into Ghost style. = Offcanvas navigation on mobiles = Global menu goes offcanvas on mobiles. You don't need to add another menu for mobile phones. = Using child theme = While you can @import or wp_enqueue_script the style.min.css from your child theme, I want to introduce you another way of creating a child theme, which you can utilize the variables and functions of Sassified Bootstrap. Set a Sass file in your child theme and @import /habakiri/src/scss/style so that you can compile them with Gulp and such. This is a example of customizing functions.php in child theme. ` // in functions.php function habakiri_child_theme_setup() { class Habakiri extends Habakiri_Base_Functions { // Override constructer public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Add filter add_filter( 'foo', array( $this, 'your_filter' ) ); } public function your_filter( $bar ) { return $bar; } // Override parent method public function parent_method() { // Your code! } } } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'habakiri_child_theme_setup' ); // It is all right outside the class! function your_filter( $bar ) { return $bar; } add_filter( 'foo', 'your_filter' ); ` == Changelog == = 2.5.2 = * Fix global navigation layout bug on Safari. * Fix bug that customizer default values are not refrected. = 2.5.1 = * Added Text Domain in style.css header. = 2.5.0 = * Update Font Awesome * Update class.entry-meta.php * Fix sanitize_textfield of customizer framework = 2.4.0 = * Added action hook habakiri_before_entries. * Added action hook habakiri_after_entries. * Added .pagination-wrapper for nav of pagination. * Fixed page header php notice error. * Remove .entry__content in archive page. * Changed related posts conditions. = 2.3.0 = * IE9 support: Split the style.css. * Changed related posts styles. * Changed footer styles. * Changed header z-index. * Add font-awesome. * If you use child theme, style.min.css of Habakiri is auto laoded. = 2.2.1 = * Habakiri_Related_Posts::get_related_posts() became a public method. * Fixed a bug that wrapper is output even when there is no global navigation. = 2.2.0 = * Offcanvas navigation does not auto created when .off-canvas-nav exists. * Refactoring global navigation styles. * Refactoring getting slider image size. * Fixed slider css bugs. * Add filter hook habakiri_page_header_background_image. = 2.1.0 = * Fixed some css. * Fixed a footer-widget-area bug when no footer widgets. * Add action hook habakiri_before_site_branding. * Add action hook habakiri_after_site_branding. * Add template part site-branding. * Add new setting: Offcanvas navigation slide direction. = 2.0.1 = * Fixed some css. = 2.0.0 = * Add slick and slider settings in customizer. * Add rich front page template that is using slider. * Add new setting: Header layout setting that is the transparent header. * Add new setting: Breakpoint setting that to switch offcanvas navigation. * Add new setting: Global navigation background color. * Add new setting: Global navigation link background color. * Add new setting: Global navigation link padding. * Add new setting: Global navigation font size. * Add new setting: Global navigation sub label. * Add new setting: Hamburger button color. * Add new setting: Excerpt length. * Add filter hook habakiri_allow_hentry_post_types. * Add filter hook habakiri_default_slider_items. * Add .screen-reader-text class. * Change $content_width. * Change templates structure. * Change class for executing Offcanvas nav that from .global-nav to .js-responsive-nav. * Change page header size when custom header image is set. * Change template name "For front page" to "Blank Page". * Change not to display entry-title in front-page template. * Change not to display the menu if the global navigation is not allocated. * Change microformats support is single page only. * Change name bread-crumb to breadcrumbs. * Change archive page design. * Improvement of footer widget area UX. * Remove old classes ( not BEM format classes ). * Style is generated from the Customizer is output after being compressed. * Fixed a page header bug at custom post type. * Deprecated function: Habakiri::the_bread_crumb() * Deprecated function: Habakiri::the_copyright() * Deprecated function: Habakiri::the_entry_meta() * Deprecated function: Habakiri::the_logo() * Deprecated function: Habakiri::the_page_header() * Deprecated function: Habakiri::the_related_posts() * Deprecated function: Habakiri::the_pager() * Deprecated function: Habakiri::the_link_pages() = 1.2.0 = * Fixed offcanvas-nav bugs. * Fixed mistake of license. * Fixed comment form css bug. * Fixed page header bug in 404 and search page. * Changed global navigation pulldown menu background color. * Changed CSS to BEM format. * Update widgets styling. = 1.1.7 = * Fixed a bug that instagram icon isn't shown in social nav. * Fixed a bread crumb bug in custom post type archive. * Fixed incorrect microformats in archive page. * Add search page template setting in customizer. * Add 404 page template setting in customizer. = 1.1.6 = * Add entries-* classes. * Changed article html structure. * Fixed a related posts excerpt bug. * Fixed typo. * Bootstrap print css is disabled. = 1.1.5 = * Fixed a html invalid error. * Change Theme URL. * Add global navigation pulldown color setting in customizer. = 1.1.4 = * Fixed a bread crumb bug. * Add filter hook habakiri_custom_background_defaults. * Add filter hook habakiri_custom_header_defaults. * Improvement of footer widget area UX. * Update .section style. = 1.1.3 = * Fixed a comments area bug. * Changed how to include content templates. * Fixed a entry title bug in single page. * Display the entry title in page when setting that does not display the page header. = 1.1.2 = * Fixed a Habakiri::the_title() bug. = 1.1.1 = * Update japanese translation. = 1.1.0 = * Fixed comments html bug. * Add filter hook habakiri_copyright. * Add filter hook habakiri_no_thumbnail_text. * Add filter hook habakiri_post_thumbnail_link_classes. * Add filter hook habakiri_post_thumbnail_size. * Add action hook habakiri_prepend_entry_content_front_page_template. * Add action hook habakiri_append_entry_content_front_page_template. * Add action hook habakiri_before_title * Add action hook habakiri_after_title * Add page header displaying setting in customizer. * Add logo text color setting in customizer. * Add method Habakiri::the_title() * Changed that posted comments to be displayed even if comment posting is not available. * Some css fixes. = 1.0.9 = * Fixed a offcanvas menu bug in iOS7.1. = 1.0.8 = * Changed html structure. * Fixed a related posts bug. * Remove jquery.smoothScrolle.js * Changed Sass structure. = 1.0.7 = * Update readme.txt. * Compatibility with IE9 in wysiwyg editor. = 1.0.6 = * Fixed a gallery style bug. * Fixed a related posts bug. = 1.0.5 = * Update navigation for smart phone. * Fixed a bug of the background fixed. * Compatibility with IE9 = 1.0.4 = * Fixed enqueue style and script bugs. * Fixed a comment reply link bug. * Fixed a related posts bug. * Fixed a bug that the side bar does not displayed. * Changed font size of page header. * Changed style for smartphone. = 1.0.3 = * Remove unnecessary css files. * Optimization of css and js files load. = 1.0.2 = * Remove all files that are not necersarry for the productive version. * Fix invalid HTML. * Add uncompressed versions of JS files. = 1.0.1 = * Fixed a related posts bug. * Fixed customizer bugs. * Change license in package.json * Update Tags. * browserify is implemented. = 1.0.0 = * Initial Release