
Upload a page of your favorite book and get a response with the text, word count of page, and a word count of each word.

You can also specify a case insesitive filter that will remove words that have the string from the response. For example: Having the word "blue" as a filter will remove "bluetooth", "blueberry", and "madeupblueword".


Bookworm is go project, Please refer to the golang installation guide for getting started with Go.

You can install Bookworm with the following command: go get

After running this command an executable command named bookworm will be in your $GOPATH/bin directory. Execute bookworm to start the server which will be available on port 8080.


There are no additional dependencies. This project is good to GO!


The bookworm server is available on port 8080.

At the moment there is only one endpoint which is for uploading files

POST to with the following parameters:

- file field, named "file". Use to specify file to upload
- text field, named "filter". Use to specify a filter if you want.

An example request is done here with curl:

Without filter curl -F "file=@/path/to/file" -w "%{http_code}" localhost:8080/file/upload &

with filter curl -F "file=@/path/to/file" -F "filter=blue" -w "%{http_code}" localhost:8080/file/upload &

Response Content-Type will be application/json

If you find yourself wanting to upload a small file while a larger one is uploading just send it over. It will process without waiting for the larger file to finish.

Also attempts to use GET on the /file/upload endpoint will be met with 404.

A 413 Error will also be received if an attempt is made of uploading a file larger than 10MB


Requests are currently not saved so you will have to resubmit a request if you want the results from an older request.

Also requests are global. There are no endpoints yet for user specific requests until older requests can be saved.