Yeoman generator for Ionic Projects. Sets up a default Ionic template with E2E testing and Unit testing.
- Gulp for task automation
- Compiles and concats your sass
- Local development server with Apache Ripple included
- Providing custom Ionic changes in a seperate sass file
- ng-cordova is built in
First, install Yeoman and generator-ionic-incubator using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-ionic-incubator
Then generate your new project inside your app directory:
yo ionic-incubator
To run the application just run:
Runs the following commands: clean, fonts, templates, styles, images, vendor, buildIndex, watchers, serve
Runs the following commands: clean, fonts, templates, styles, images, vendor, buildIndex
Runs the following commands: clean, fonts, templates, styles, images, vendor, buildIndex, ionic:emulate, watchers
(Make sure you've added a platform before running this command)
Runs the following commands: clean, fonts, templates, styles, images, vendor, buildIndex, ionic:run
(Make sure you've added a platform before running this command)
Deletes the www
Concatenates, autoprefixes and strips comments from the scss files into a single main.css file.
Concatenates, and uglifies js files from the templates and scripts directories into a single app.js file.
Builds a webfont from the Ionicons webfont.
Copies the templates directory from the src
folder to the www
Copies the images directory from the src
folder to the www
Lints the js files based on the .jshintrc ruleset.
Concatenates and uglifies all the vendor scripts and places the vendor.js file in the www
Injects the css and js files into the index.html file.
Runs the Karma unit tests.
Runs the Protractor E2E tests.
Starts watching the scss, fonts, images and template files.
Launches Apache Ripple (make sure you've added a platform before running this command).
- Update to Ionic 1.3.1.
- Updated dependencies.
- Update to Ionic 1.3.0.
- Added the Ionic hooks directory.
- Updated dependencies.
- Moved the repo to the Incentro account.
- Changed dependency injection for the runBlock
- Fix for SCSS path and a little typo
- Fix error after second build
- Refactoring SCSS part
- Update to Ionic 1.2.0.
- Update the readme.
- Change the tilde into a carret for angular-mocks.
MIT © Pieter Bogaerts