Envoy Retries and Outlier Detection

This repo demonstrates how Envoy retries and outlier detection behave in real practice.


  • Show you how to verify the retry and outlier detection via some stats and logging.
  • Istio by default retries on the application code 503, because of retriable-code: 503 is configured.
  • TODO:

outlier detection confirmation Relationship of outlier detection and retry retry only use the healthy ep and failed results affecting outlier detection?; single endpoint panic mode; gateway different endpoint exp; Istio DR config.


The high level structure of the repo:

  • app/, go program, contains a sample Golang HTTP server. Some arguments
    1. --http=8080 port specifies the HTTP server port.
    2. --tcp=3000 specifies the TCP ports.
    3. /code/<200|503> allows to specify the pre-known response from the server.
  • envoy-client.yaml, serve as entry point for the testing, listening on port 7000
  • envoy-gateawy.yaml, serve as the second hop of the traffic flow.


# Start the envoy client
func-e run -c ./envoy-client.yaml -l "trace"

# Optional, start the envoy gateway.
func-e run -c ./envoy-gateway.yaml --base-id 1

# Start the application with name as foo.
go run ./main.go --id foo --http 8080 --tcp=3000

# Optional, start the application with name as bar.
go run ./main.go --id bar --http=8081

Verification Info

We need to check whether retries, and outlier detection happened or not.

For retries, curl localhost:15000/stats | grep "<cluster-name>.*upstream.*re". We can also verifies the retries since every request is logged in the Golang HTTP server.

For outlier detection, curl localhost:15000/stats -s | grep '<cluster-name>.*outlier'. Moreover, the envoy bootstrap config also specify the cluster_manager.outlier_detection. This makes envoy output a JSON formatted log line when an ejection happens.