
Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Shelter is designed as a remote attestation tool for customer to verify if their workloads are loaded in a specified intel authorized sgx enclaved.

The verifying process is as below:

  1. shelter setup a security channel based on mTLS with inclavared
  2. inclavared will generate/retrieve the quote info of workload running enclave
  3. inclavared will get IAS report by quote info from Intel authorized web server
  4. inclavared will generate attestation verification report
  5. shelter will verify the attestation verification report and mrenclave value by mTLS security channel
  6. shelter will report the verifying result


Go 1.14.x or above.


Please follow the command to build Inclavare Containers from the latested source code on your system.

  1. Download the latest source code of Inclavare Containers
mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE"
git clone https://github.com/alibaba/inclavare-containers
  1. Prepare the dependence libs required by shelter

Build and install enclave-tls

Please follow enclave-tls README to build and install enclave-tls firstly.

cd $WORKSPACE/inclavare-containers/shelter


Before running shelter, make sure inclavared being luanched as server mode successfully in the same machine. You can find the way to run inclavared by: https://github.com/alibaba/inclavare-containers/inclavared

  1. check shelter support feature as below
shelter help
      shelter - shelter as a remote attestation tool for workload runing in enclave containers.

      shelter [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


      remoteattestation  attest IAS report obtained by inclavared and setup TLS security channel with inclavared
      mrverify           download target source code to rebuild and caculate launch measurement based on software algorithm and then compare with launch measurement in sigsturct file
      help, h            Shows a list of commands or help for one command

      --verbose      enable verbose output
      --help, -h     show help
      --version, -v  print the version
  1. remote attestation for sgx-ra, sgx-la, and sgx-ecdsa
   --addr           specify tcp or unix socket address, e.g, '--addr=tcp://ip:port or --addr=unix://path'
   --log-level      set the level of log output(debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off)
   --verifier       set the type of quote verifier(nullquote, sgx_la or sgx_ecdsa)
   --tls            set the type of tls wrapper(nulltls, openssl)
   --crypto         set the type of crypto wrapper(nullcrypto, openssl)
   --mutual         enable mutual attestation

You can set command line parameters to specify different configurations.

For example:

shelter remoteattestation --addr=tcp://
shelter remoteattestation --addr=unix:///run/enclave-tls/tls.sock
shelter remoteattestation --tls openssl
shelter remoteattestation --verifier sgx_ecdsa
shelter remoteattestation --verifier sgx_la
shelter remoteattestation --crypto openssl
shelter remoteattestation --mutual
  1. verify workload integrity by launch measurement. The software algorithm refer to skeleton project.
shelter mrverify

Touble shooting


Third Party Dependencies

Direct Dependencies

Name Repo URL Licenses
restruct https://github.com/go-restruct/restruct ISC
cli https://github.com/urfave/cli MIT
md2man https://github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2/md2man MIT
sanitized_anchor_name https://github.com/shurcooL/sanitized_anchor_name MIT
errors https://github.com/pkg/errors BSD-2-Clause
blackfriday https://github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2 BSD-2-Clause