- DownloadImage service was replaced with Picasso (for image caching)
- Gradle was set to version 1.5.0 for the project so that vector image resources can be automatically converted to PNGs vor API level < 21.
- New material icons for OK, Cancel and Delete.
- Changed Button styles (back to default) as the buttons were not recognisable as such.
- Repaced v4 with support lib v7 ActionBarDrawerToggle.
- Replaced custom back navigation on BookDetails with proper toolbar home/back navigation.
- Added dummy picture for books without a cover.
- Summary for setting added.
- check for empty response from server (empty JSON)
- Check for an Internet connection before feching data from the API.
- Check if an author exists (empty author crashes the app).
- Use Zebra Crossing barcode scanning lib.
- Don't use a service for deleting books. Do it directly via the content resolver othervise the book list gets out of sync.
- Fixed device-rotation crash.
- Cater for empty authors.
Create a resource file api_key.xml in the res folder and fill it with the following lines:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="api_key">[YOUR FOOTBALL-DATA.ORG API-KEY]</string>
- Leagues to be considered are read from leagues.xml
- API endpoints and constants put into resource file (api.xml)
- API version switched to v1
- Home and Away Team URLs read from API and stored into DB
- Team crests are fetched from wikimedia and cached in shared prefs (urls)
- API parameter for the next 2 days changed from n2 to n3 as n2 would only be today and tmrw.
There is now a collection widget which shows today's games. Tapping on a games opens the MainActivity and scrolls on the Today page to the correct game.
Two new colums for team urls were added. These url are used for dynamically fetching a team's crest from wikimedia.
- Check for internet connection before starting the fetch service
- Added text view for empty lists
- Calculate date for loader here and not in PagerFragment
- Swipe to refresh (+ refresh menu item) implemented.
- Var renamed mXyz -> xyz as m usually indicated member variables which is not the case here.
- Changed share functionality to use chooser and got rid of "sunshine" code
- Made sharing hashtag a string resource
- Fixed League display (old league codes were used)
- Use wikimedia thumbnail generator for crests
- Added content description to list item -> talk back reads the score
- Read league names and codes from resource file instead of constants
- "Matchday" added as a translatable string resource
- Added getDataForLeague to be used for API calls