
Modified Proxy Server to Improve Network Security and Accessibility : In several business enterprises and educational institutes or even a whole country, we are sometimes unable to access few of the websites through the network. This is because the administration has only allowed access to few of the websites, mainly because to protect their network from foreign intrusion or prevent spreading of false information. Some of the websites are usually blocked by mistake and require a proxy server in order to access it, but it can lead to accessing dangerous websites as well. In order to protect the network while being able to use proxy server, additional rules will be incorporated to the proxy server along with providing a facility for the proxy server to check for malicious connections before continuing further.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Modified Proxy Server to Improve Network Security and Accessibility : In several business enterprises and educational institutes or even a whole country, we are sometimes unable to access few of the websites through the network. This is because the administration has only allowed access to few of the websites, mainly because to protect their network from foreign intrusion or prevent spreading of false information. Some of the websites are usually blocked by mistake and require a proxy server in order to access it, but it can lead to accessing dangerous websites as well. In order to protect the network while being able to use proxy server, additional rules will be incorporated to the proxy server along with providing a facility for the proxy server to check for malicious connections before continuing further.


  1. Avaneesh Kanshi
  2. Navneet Melarkode