
Remote includeos cant be found.

fl0wm0ti0n opened this issue ยท 7 comments


the remote includeos cant be found. i did everything like in the "Getting started" described...

maybe there is some fault in the config or the profiles??

OS: WSL2 (Debian Stretch)

flow@lightmachine:~/temp/hello_world$ sudo conan install . -pr ~/.conan/profiles/clang-6.0-linux-x86_64
*: binutils/2.31@includeos/toolchain
CFLAGS=-msse3 -mfpmath=sse -O2 -g
CXXFLAGS=-msse3 -mfpmath=sse -O2 -g
ERROR: Version range '>=0.14.0,include_prerelease=True' from requirement 'includeos/[>=0.14.0,include_prerelease=True]@includeos/latest' required by 'conanfile.txt' could not be resolved in local cache
flow@lightmachine:~/temp/hello_world$ sudo conan search -r includeos
ERROR: No remote 'includeos' defined in remotes

Ok i have now new infos. and i dont like that behavior of conan...

if i run
flow@lightmachine:~/temp/hello_world$ sudo conan config install

i cant later find the remotes via tghese commands:
flow@lightmachine:~/temp/hello_world$ sudo conan search -r includeos

so that does mean you have to be aware if you run it with sudo or without... cause it depends on the user where it finds the files... they are in home and not somewhere global..

This adds a remote that has either been disabled or removed. The dependencies (built by includeos team) are not available anymore.

Is this project still maintained then, or has it gone off the radar? I noticed that the links to prebuilt binaries was also broken.

It has gone off sadly.

That's a shame. I'm actually trying to get it to build but I'm no Conan expert and that too seems borken. Of course, reliance on a lot of external packages is always a risk and in the case of IncludeOS it appears to be a death sentence.

There has been work towards going back to the CMake build system, and that will probably happen on a fork anyway. InludeOS is dead, but the code is open and someone can continue the work if they want to. I think that if I were to restart work on IncludeOS, I would probably remove musl and put back newlib. Still have C++ exceptions, but no threads and no bloated binaries.

The reason the conan packages can't be found is that they appear to have been stored on bintray which JFrog shut down in 2021. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any alternatives other than the official Conan Center.

If you are still keen on building IncludeOS, I suspect you should still be able to use the conan dependencies by going through each of the dependencies here and running something like "conan export . GSL/2.0.0@includeos/stable" in the directory containing each (Make sure you change the package/version name as appropriate).

Then, add --build=missing to the end of your conan install .... command.

Note that I haven't tried this, but I think the theory is sound ;-)