
Docker image of hawt.io

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This project creates a Docker image of hawt.io, a modular console for managing Java apps.

The image currently does not support any configuration options, it simply runs the module without security.

The Docker image of this app is available at Docker hub.

Running Locally

To run the Docker image locally, use:

export TAG=...

docker run -d -p8080:8080 incodehq/hawtio:$TAG

where $TAG is set to one of the images from the tags page.

This exposes :

Preconfigured Connections

Unfortunately hawt.io does not currently allow connections to be pre-configured; see for example this and this. The only feature that is available is to invoke a URL which provides the connection parameters, as described here.

That said, hawt.io does remember previous connections in the browser local storage. So, if you use the same browser to connect, then hawt.io will remember where you connected to previously.

Further Reading

Additional info at: