Pandoc Template for scientific writing


Windows Requirements

  1. Install Git Bash for Windows (
  2. Install Python (
  3. Install MikTex (
  4. Open MikTex Console and update
  5. Add MikTex to the user PATH and restart your Machine
  6. Pandoc (MsiInstaller): Downloadlink-Github Version < 2.11
  7. Optional: Zotero + Webplugin + Integration into the texteditor and pandoc settings

Ubuntu Requirements

sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra
tlmgr init-usertree
tlmgr option repository
tlmgr --usermode install adjustbox babel-german background bidi collectbox csquotes everypage filehook footmisc footnotebackref framed fvextra letltxmacro ly1 mdframed mweights needspace pagecolor sourcecodepro sourcesanspro titling ucharcat ulem unicode-math upquote xecjk xurl zref


Install all missing packages! Miktex Console -> Pakete


Creating the template for the document

  1. Copy the shell script in the folder Scripts to the location at your PC, where you want to create the document.
  2. Double click on the shell script. It is going to create the newest version of the template.
  3. In the pop up command prompt answer the questions.
  4. After that you can work on your document in the created folder

Working on the document

  1. In the metadata.yml you can specify your meta options for the compiled file.
  2. Use Zotero to manage citations and your bibliography.
  3. Save the images, which you want to use in your document, in the folder images. Don't use .svg use .pdf -> pip install svglib -> svg2pdf test.svg
  4. In the folder src create the markdown files for the particular chapters or section of your document. In case of short documents it is also possible to just use one file. All Markdown files in that folder are going to be compiled. In the output file the chapters have the same order like the order of the markdown files in the folder.
  5. Double click on : To compile your Markdown document into a pdf
  6. The pdf file is stored in the folder output.