Speak easy is an memory database I am building as an experiment and to learn C++. It is currently in progress, so in lieu of docs here is an example of how it is used:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "interface.h"
std::string name = "name";
std::string age = "age";
std::string tbl_name = "people";
std::string cols[2] = {"name", "age"};
int main() {
// the main interface for the library
interface * ctrl = new interface();
// adds a table named "people" with two columns "name" and "age"
ctrl->new_table(tbl_name, cols, 2);
// to add a row you use the new_row() method which returns a
// row builder object
row_builder * nr = ctrl->new_row(tbl_name);
char my_name[5];
strcpy(my_name, "James");
// populate the row using the update_row method of the interface
// it takes the row builder, the column name, and either an int or a char *
ctrl->update_row(nr, name, my_name);
ctrl->update_row(nr, age, 32);
// inserting the row will delete the row builder object
// print out the contents of our table
// >> 0 - name: "James", age: 32
return 0;