
InCube Core libraries for C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

InCube Core

InCube Core is a set of C# libraries that provides extensions for functional programming, standard collection types, value parsing and formatting, and more. Consult the wiki for additional resources.

Adding InCube Core to your build

Binary packages of InCube Core are available on nuget.org. Add the following lines to your .csproj in order to use the library in your .Net Core build:

    <PackageReference Include="InCube.Core" Version="1.0.0" />

Functional Programming

The Functional package of InCube Core provides read-only wrapper types in C# which are common in other functional programming languages.

Type Description
Option<T> A wrapper designed along the lines of Nullable<T> that supports struct and reference types. See the Option User Guide and OptionDemo for an introduction and examples. AnyDemo shows a simplified implementation.
Maybe<T> An optimized version of Option<T> that supports reference types only. See MaybeDemo for a simplified implementation.
Either<TL, T> A union type of either TL or T.
Try<T> Holds the result of some computation of type T or an Exception.

All of the data types above implement the IEnumerable<T> interface. They can be viewed as a container which holds at most one valid element t of type T. InCube Core provides container-like extension methods for all these data types as well as for Nullable<T>.

Property / Method Description
None Create an empty wrapper.
Some Create a wrapper holding a valid element t.
HasValue Indicates whether a wrapper holds a valid element t.
Value Returns either t or throws an InvalidOperationException.
GetValueOrDefault Returns either t or a default value.
GetValueOr Returns either t or produces a new value by calling a function delegate. The delegate may be used to throw a more meaningful exception than by accessing Value directly.
Select Apply a mapping function to t.
SelectMany Apply a mapping function to t that returns a wrapper type and flatten (corresponds to flatMap).
ForEach Consume t in an Action.
Match Either apply a mapping function to t or produce a default element calling a function delegate.
Where Remove t from the container unless it satisfies some predicate.
Any Indicates that t exists and satisfies some predicate.
All Indicates that t does not exist or satisfies some predicate.
OrElse Fall back to another wrapper if the container is empty.


The Collections package of InCube Core provides LINQ type extension methods for many standard containers.

Extensions for Enumerables

Method Description
MkString Format an IEnumerable as a string.
ForEach Apply an action to all elements of an IEnumerable.
MaxBy, MinBy Search for the maximum / minimum of an IEnumerable by a selection key.
ArgMax, ArgMin Find the index of the maximum / minimum in an IEnumerable.
Split Separate an IEnumerable into two parts by means of a predicate.
ToEnumerable, Iterate, Generate Produce a new IEnumerable.
Scan Generate a new sequence by mapping an IEnumerable with state. This is essentially a mix of Select and Aggregate.
FirstOption, SingleOption Access the first or single element of this IEnumerable as an Option<T>.
Flatten Join an IEnumerable of containers into a single sequence.

Extensions for Lists

Method Description
Last, LastOption Access to the last element of a list either directly or as an Option<T>, respectively.
AsReadOnlyCollection, AsReadOnlyList Efficiently convert any ICollection and IList into IReadOnlyCollection and IReadOnlyList, respectively.
Items, Slice Select indexed subsets and segments of sequences.
LowerBound, UpperBound Correspond to std::lower_bound and std::upper_bound from the C++ Algorithms Library. The implementation is based on BinarySearch.
ParSelect A parallelized version of Select.
ParRemoveAll A parallelized version of RemoveAll.
ParGenerate Initialize an array in parallel using a function delegate.

Extensions for Dictionaries

Method Description
Empty Create an empty read-only dictionary.
GetOrDefault Return a default value if a key is not found.
GetOrThrow Throw a meaningful exception if a key is not found.
GetOption, GetMaybe, GetNullable Return an empty wrapper type if a key is not found.
ToDictionary Convert an IEnumerable of tuples to a Dictionary.
AsReadOnlyDictionary Efficiently convert any IDictionary into an IReadOnlyDictionary.
AsSorted Convert any IDictionary into a SortedDictionary

Extensions for Tuples

Method Description
MakePair, MakeTuple, MakeValueTuple Factories for KeyValuePair, Tuple, and ValueTuple which help inferring type arguments.
ZipAsTuple Combine multiple sequences into a single sequence of tuples.
Unzip Split sequences of tuples into their components.
ZipWithIndex Zip a sequence with the index of each element.
ZipI A variant of Zip which passes the index of each element as third argument to the function delegate.
Zip3, Zip4 Variants of Zip for 3 and 4 input sequences, respectively.
TupleSelect A variant of Select specialized for mapping tuples.
Keys, Values Select the keys or values in a sequence of key-value pairs, respectively.
MapValues Apply a function delegate to the values in a sequence of key-value pairs.
AsTuple, AsKeyValuePair Convert between sequences of ValueTuples and KeyValuePairs.

Numerical Extensions and Statistics

Type / Method Description
Histogram<T>, MakeHistogram Compute a histogram from a collection of comparable elements.
Rank, VectorRank Compute the rank of one or multiple elements in a collection.
Range<T> Represents a closed interval and provides typical operations like overlap and intersection.

Utility Classes

Type Description
Preconditions Provides methods for checking input arguments very similar to Preconditions.java in Google Guava.
Disposables Manage many IDisposable objects as a single disposable collection.
