
Primary LanguageJavaScript


In the vein of Marvel Snap, Crackle-Pop is a React-based, two-player, online, digital card battle game. Whew.

Players are able to generate a 'play' deck of cards to use (for a given match) by selecting from 2 of our pre-existing themed decks; the 'play' deck will be a combination of cards from the 2 selected themed decks, shuffled randomly. This mix-n-match deck approach provides replayability and allows for varied strategy without needing to implement an entire card-by-card deck building approach, which is outside of the scope for this project.

Each card depicts a character matching the theme of the deck they came from, with an energy cost⚡, power level💪 , and special ability✨(if the card has one) listed, along with some flavor text. Once both players have created a 'play' deck to use, the game begins. Players are presented with a top-down view of the game-area, with 3 lanes they are able to play their cards onto (left, middle, right), each lane represented by a location🏔️ card. No locations are visible at the start of the game, they are revealed one-by-one over the course of the first three turns. Location cards are randomized each game and have their own special abilities which impact any cards played into that lane.

Matches last a total of 6 turns. At the start of each match, players begin with a hand of 3 drawn cards. At the start of each turn, players will draw an additional card, and can place one or more cards face-down onto a location(s) of their choice. The amount of cards they can play is determined by the player's energy level for that turn, and the energy cost of their available cards. Energy begins at 1 for turn 1, and increases by 1 for each subsequent turn. Each player's power level for a location is based on the combined total of any cards they have played there.

The concept of the game is to try and "win" at least 2 of the lanes by having a higher total power level than your opponent in those lanes.

This app was built as the final project during the Lighthouse Labs Web Development Bootcamp. It was created primarily using Create React App, along with Node.js and Express connected to a PostgreSQL database.


!["Screenshot 1 text"](link to follow)

!["Screenshot 2 text"](link to follow)

!["Screenshot 3 text"](link to follow)

