Directive that calls $compile on trusted HTML, allowing directives in an API response.
- 1
digestion cycle
#36 opened by UNCareers - 3
Does not work with ngRepeat
#32 opened by crazyjat - 4
Remove window reference
#34 opened by david-mark - 0
Odd comment doesn't match code logic
#35 opened by david-mark - 11
Submit to npmjs
#28 opened by JSONRice - 1
Not deleting scopes
#26 opened by epicleptico - 2
The directive does not work on iOS cordova app
#25 opened by sarahsga - 1
Use with bindonce?
#22 opened by northkode - 3
SUGGESTION: Template-url
#23 opened by IbrahimHd - 0
How do you pass a calling scope? I know it's in the bindHtmlScope attr, but how to use it?
#19 opened by miguelcastro67 - 3
bower requirement for angular 1.2
#9 opened by eroux - 5
Include minified version (angular-bind-html-compile.min.js) into bower component
#16 opened by ivanfilhoz - 0
Allow to retrieve scope as argument
#15 opened by zucher - 2
Selective Compiling via another directive
#14 opened by RSchlenker - 0
Recursive use of bind-html-compile request
#8 opened by alindberg - 1
Support for sending scope
#3 opened by filipesilva - 0
- 0