
Angular library for common input fields

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


This project uses ES6 template strings in Gruntfile.js, so node >=4.x is required


bower install angular-input-fields --save

  • Load the dependencies in to your app.

  • Load the modules in your HTML.

<script src="bower_components/angular-input-fields/dist/script.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-input-fields/dist/templates.js"></script>
  • Inject the modules as a dependency of your main app module.
angular.module('app', [
  • Please see source or tests to see what attributes are available for each field


  • Before starting development on this module you will need to run npm install
  • To run tests in watch mode use grunt karma:dev. To run tests once only do grunt test


  • Before releasing, we must compile the dist/ folder from the source javascript and templates.
  • To do this, run grunt dist-js
  • Determine the new release number using Semver
  • Update package.json, bower.json and the changelog with the new version number
  • Git tag the repository with the new version number