Molly Eskam Linux Operating System / Webserver updated Jul 13th 2021 This is a custom live kali iso build with KDE Plasma Desktop Evironment which has the following features & programs: VLC Media Player, Bittorrent Downloader (Deluge), Webserver (Apache2 with SSL), Security tools (from kali-linux-nethunter), File Cleaner (Bleachbit), [Browsers]: FireFox, Chromium, [Image Editor] G.I.M.P2 , LibreOffice, firewall-applet, X11VNC Server and OpenVPN. (Which is perfect for people who just wants to learn about Linux Operating System.) Download Links: DEFAULT LOGIN User: root Password: toor Secondary admin LOGIN User: molly Password: eskam123 DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD!!! type (In a terminal window): passwd root (Also consider making an installation instead of using the live build, because it might be buggy) Installation instructions 1. Download this program: 2. Download MollyEskam-Linux flavor of your choice. 3. Use the program to flash it into an USB Drive (4GB minimum) 4. Boot the target computer with the USB Drive in and PRESS F12 until you see a boot menu option 5. Use the arrows to navigate and select the correct drive. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to disable secure boot and enable booting from USB. BUILD THE ISO YOURSELF Enter these commands in the termnial: git clone && sh MollyEskam-Linux/ [ variant [ arch] ] PLEASE NOTE build will take several hours to complete depending on your CPU power, memory limit and internet speed