We are the largest Open Source Software[OSS] community with its longest running(> 7 years) tech meetup in Bombay. One of the biggest friction in our meetup management is attendee check-ins; it is wholly manual and error prone.
Simple: let the attendees self check-in and the check-in process be totally frictionless.
We were so inspired by the awesome technologies showcased at the MS Build'17 and Microsoft MVP Summit that we decided to incorporate a few of them in our solution which will comprise of Microsoft and OSS technologies [Microsoft ❤️ s OSS ] and obviously hosted on Azure: Face Recognition, Xamarin, UWP, AKS, Typescript, React, Next.js, Graphql etc
The solution has 4 main components :
- FACE API : The visage of every registrant is stored in the Microsoft Face API and then is used to make a determination during event checkins if there is a match for the face
- Photo App : This is a containerized NodeJS App that exposed an API that uploads attendees photos into the Face API
- Checkin App : This UWP app which is expected to run on a desktop or tablet where the attendee peers into
- Attendee App : The Xamarin app where folks can checkin into individual session
Person Group is the FACE API entity which logically corresponds to a event for which we want to checkin attendees.
First we need to get Face API Key from Azure Portal. Follow steps shown in Get Face API key from Azure portal to get your free or standard tier FACE API key.
Now we create a person group for your event. The FACE API reference gives details of the RESTFUL FACE API. Code below shows how we can use curl to create a person group for our event. We need to substitute values for "yourmeetupgroupid" , "YourFaceAPISubscriptionKey" , "yourmeetupname" and "other-meetup-meta-data"
curl -X PUT https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/face/v1.0/persongroups/yourmeetupgroupid -H 'cache-control: no-cache' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'ocp-apim-subscription-key: YourFaceAPISubscriptionKey' -d '{ "name":"yourmeetupname", "userData":"other-meetup-meta-data" }'
The attendees use this application to upload their photos. The services/photo folder is the root folder for this application. The application can optionally be configured for eventbrite authentication.
The following environment variables need to be configured
- FACE_API_KEY : is needed by this application to persist face information for attendees in the FACE API. We got the FACE API Key in the "Create Face API person group for event" step
- APP_DOMAIN_NAME : This is an optional parameter, which is required if eventbrite authentication is to be configured. The is the full url of you applications domain. example "https://www.testdomain.com"
- LOGIN_WITH_SERVICE_URI : This is an optional parameter, which is required if eventbrite authentication is to be configured. Authentication integration with eventbrite is configured integrating with the login-with . This is the full url of your login-with service endpoint. This subdomain will have the same doamin as the APP_DOMAIN_NAME. example "https://login.testdomain.com"
Automated tests for the photos app are under the /test folder To run all tests you can execute command below. Note the Face API is needed for a subset of the tests to execute successfully
gulp test --FACE_API_KEY <your-face-api-key>
Alternately you execute tests per module as shown below
mocha --grep Authentication-Tests
- The docker container image for this application is built each time there is a new merge in the https://github.com/maniSbindra/Visage repositories develop branch, and all automated tests pass (gulp test). You will find the latest image at https://hub.docker.com/r/maninderjit/visage/tags/
- You can the docker container image can be run as follows (you will need to replace values for face api key, app domain name and the login with service url):
docker run -d -p 8080 -e FACE_API_KEY=<your face api key> -e APP_DOMAIN_NAME="https://www.your-domain.com" -e LOGIN_WITH_SERVICE_URI="https://login.your-domain.com" maninderjit/visage:1057
Once this web application is configured, up and running, The attendees need to be sent links via emails in the format below. "yourmeetupgroupid" in the link needs to be replaced by person group id created in the "Create Face API person group for event" step , and the participant_email needs to be replaced by the email id of the attendees, which off course will be different for all attendees
If eventbrite authentication is configured then participant_email or id does not need to be provided, the participant id is automatically fetched from eventbrite. The link in this case will in the format
User would be redirected to eventbrite and after the oauth flow is complete the participant id will be known.
The rendered page will look like
On successfull upload attendees will see a tick mark as shown in the image below
On failures, which can happen when person group with event_name does not exist in the FACE API, error is displayed in the format below
This application is a modified version of the KIOSK APP
The checkin-app solution can be loaded in visual studio 2015 or 2017. Once loaded the UWP app can be run
In default configuration checkins are logged into file eventlog.txt in the pictures folder, so this file needs to be created.
Once App is loaded we need to go Settings from the Menu and add the "FACE API Key"
Next from the Menu we need to go into FACE Identification setup from the menu. We should see the person group created for the event. On clicking the person group we should see the name of participants who have registered for the event. On the screen where we see the participants name we need to click the play icon to train the person group to recognize the faces of the registered participants. The training can also be done via the face API REST endpoints
Click on the checkin app from the Menu
Users can now start checking in using their face, by clicking on the camera icon. More than once participants can also checkin at a time
- You can edit the ./checkin-app/Controls/ImageWithFaceBorderUserControl.xaml.cs file. Search for TODO, you will see the following code. You can add your custom logic in the TODO section
if (name is null)
faceUI.ShowCaptionMessage("Sorry could not identify attendee");
faceUI.ShowIdentificationData(age, gender, (uint)Math.Round(confidence * 100), name);
// TODO Add code to mark attendee as checked in using <name>