SSASideMenu is a reimplementation of romaonthego/RESideMenu in Swift. A iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
SSASideMenu requires Swift 1.2
, XCode 6.3
and iOS 8
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
//MARK : Setup SSASideMenu
let sideMenu = SSASideMenu(contentViewController: UINavigationController(rootViewController: FirstViewController()), leftMenuViewController: LeftMenuViewController(), rightMenuViewController: RightMenuViewController())
sideMenu.backgroundImage = UIImage(named: "Background.jpg")
sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.MenuViewEffect(fade: true, scale: true, scaleBackground: false))
sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.ContentViewEffect(alpha: 1.0, scale: 0.7))
sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.ContentViewShadow(enabled: true, color: UIColor.blackColor(), opacity: 0.6, radius: 6.0))
sideMenu.delegate = self
window?.rootViewController = sideMenu
return true
#Installation As for now please clone the repository and drag the source folder into your project to use SSASideMenu. (Cocoapods & Carthage support coming soon) #Customization
enum SSASideMenuPanDirection: Int {
case Edge = 0
case EveryWhere = 1
enum SSASideMenuType: Int {
case Scale = 0
case Slip = 1
enum SSAStatusBarStyle: Int {
case Hidden = 0
case Black = 1
case Light = 2
struct ContentViewShadow {
var enabled: Bool = true
var color: UIColor = UIColor.blackColor()
var offset: CGSize = CGSizeZero
var opacity: Float = 0.4
var radius: Float = 8.0
struct MenuViewEffect {
var fade: Bool = true
var scale: Bool = true
var scaleBackground: Bool = true
var parallaxEnabled: Bool = true
var bouncesHorizontally: Bool = true
var statusBarStyle: SSAStatusBarStyle = .Black
struct ContentViewEffect {
var alpha: Float = 1.0
var scale: Float = 0.7
var landscapeOffsetX: Float = 30
var portraitOffsetX: Float = 30
var minParallaxContentRelativeValue: Float = -25.0
var maxParallaxContentRelativeValue: Float = 25.0
var interactivePopGestureRecognizerEnabled: Bool = true
struct SideMenuOptions {
var animationDuration: Float = 0.35
var panGestureEnabled: Bool = true
var panDirection: SSASideMenuPanDirection = .Edge
var type: SSASideMenuType = .Scale
var panMinimumOpenThreshold: UInt = 60
var menuViewControllerTransformation: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.5, 1.5)
var backgroundTransformation: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.7, 1.7)
var endAllEditing: Bool = false
// MARK : Storyboard Support
@IBInspectable var contentViewStoryboardID: String?
@IBInspectable var leftMenuViewStoryboardID: String?
@IBInspectable var rightMenuViewStoryboardID: String?
// MARK : Private Properties: MenuView & BackgroundImageView
@IBInspectable var fadeMenuView: Bool = true
@IBInspectable var scaleMenuView: Bool = true
@IBInspectable var scaleBackgroundImageView: Bool = true
@IBInspectable var parallaxEnabled: Bool = true
@IBInspectable var bouncesHorizontally: Bool = true
// MARK : Public Properties: MenuView
@IBInspectable var statusBarStyle: SSAStatusBarStyle = .Black
// MARK : Private Properties: ContentView
@IBInspectable var contentViewScaleValue: Float = 0.7
@IBInspectable var contentViewFadeOutAlpha: Float = 1.0
@IBInspectable var contentViewInLandscapeOffsetCenterX: Float = 30.0
@IBInspectable var contentViewInPortraitOffsetCenterX: Float = 30.0
@IBInspectable var parallaxContentMinimumRelativeValue: Float = -25.0
@IBInspectable var parallaxContentMaximumRelativeValue: Float = 25.0
// MARK : Public Properties: ContentView
@IBInspectable var interactivePopGestureRecognizerEnabled: Bool = true
@IBInspectable var endAllEditing: Bool = false
// MARK : Private Properties: Shadow for ContentView
@IBInspectable var contentViewShadowEnabled: Bool = true
@IBInspectable var contentViewShadowColor: UIColor = UIColor.blackColor()
@IBInspectable var contentViewShadowOffset: CGSize = CGSizeZero
@IBInspectable var contentViewShadowOpacity: Float = 0.4
@IBInspectable var contentViewShadowRadius: Float = 8.0
// MARK : Public Properties: SideMenu
@IBInspectable var animationDuration: Float = 0.35
@IBInspectable var panGestureEnabled: Bool = true
@IBInspectable var panDirection: SSASideMenuPanDirection = .Edge
@IBInspectable var type: SSASideMenuType = .Scale
@IBInspectable var panMinimumOpenThreshold: UInt = 60
@IBInspectable var menuViewControllerTransformation: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.5, 1.5)
@IBInspectable var backgroundTransformation: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.7, 1.7)
// MARK : Public Properties
var backgroundImage: UIImage?
var contentViewController: UIViewController?
var leftMenuViewController: UIViewController?
var rightMenuViewController: UIViewController?
Sebastian Andersen
romaonthego/RESideMenu was authored by Roman Efimov
SSASideMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.