
Did you ever dream of having a trash can in your terminal? Well it's not a dream anymore! Introducing tra.sh!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Did you ever dream of having a trash can in your terminal? Well it's not a dream anymore! Introducing tra.sh!

tra.sh thumbnail

How to install it?

  • Download tra.sh.
  • Allow the execution of tra.sh by running chmod +x trash.
  • For easy access, move trash to one of the directories listed in your PATH. For example /usr/local/bin.
  • Done! If you didn't mess anything up, you should be able to summon your trash can by running trash in your terminal.

Does it do anything more?

Yes it does! We have this very useful feature which allows you to call somebody or something trash!

For example you are pissed off at nVidia for their proprietary drivers. This is how you can easly insult them:

$ trash nVidia

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tra.sh Discord edition

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