
A few small utilities for working with tarballs and http.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A few small utilities for working with tarballs and http. Because you need tarballs over HTTP like:


Fetch & send tarballs over the network

baltar.pull(opts, callback)

Makes a request to opts.url and unpacks it to opts.path. baltar.pull is the only method which accepts a callback so that it pass back all of the entries from the tar.Extract stream. The end of pipechain is also returned for future stream operations (if desired).

  • opts.url: {string} Location of the receiver.
  • opts.headers: {Object} HTTP headers to send.
  • opts.method: {string} HTTP Method to send.
  • opts.path: {string} Directory or file to unpack to.
  • opts.tarball: {string} Optional Path to save tarball to.
  • returns: {tar.Extract} Extraction stream for the pulled tarball.
  url: 'https://example.com/path/to/any/file.tgz',
  path: 'location/to/untar/into',
}, function (err, entries) {
  // Unpacked tarball now exists in
  // 'location/to/untar/into'. All
  // tar entries are returned to work with
  var filenames = entries.map(function (entry) {
    return e.path;


Pushes a tarball created from opts.path to opts.url optionally accepting a opts.method and returns a stream that represents the response.

  • opts.path: Directory or file to pack
  • opts.ignoreFiles: Extra ignore files to parse
  • opts.url: {string} Location of the receiver.
  • opts.headers: {Object} HTTP headers to send.
  • opts.method: {string} HTTP Method to send.
  • returns: {hyperquest} HTTP request stream to opts.url.
  path: 'directory/or/file/to/pack',
  url: 'http://example.com/path/to/tarball/uploaded.tgz'
.on('error', function (err) {
  // Handle any HTTP errors (e.g. Internet is down, etc.)
.on('finish', function () {
  console.log('HTTP request finished.')

The stream returned is an instance of hyperquest, so you can perform any additional stream operations on it.

Pack and unpack tarballs locally


Returns a stream which will unpack and stream into the specified opts.path.

  • opts: {Object|string} Options for unpacking tarball.
  • opts.path: Directory or file to unpack to
  • returns: {Stream} Gunzip and untar pipechain to opts.path.
  .pipe(baltar.unpack({ path: 'location/to/untar/into' }))
  .on('error', function (err) {
    // Handle any HTTP errors (e.g. bad tarball, etc.)
  .on('entry', function (e) { entries.push(e.path); })
  .on('done', function () {
    // Unpacked tarball now exists in
    // 'location/to/untar/into'.

Returns a stream representing the tar.gz packed version of opts.dir.

  • opts: {Object|string} Options for packing tarball.
  • opts.path: Directory or file to pack.
  • opts.ignoreFiles: Extra ignore files to parse.