
Primary LanguageJavaScript

PostgreSQL Deployment

Step 1

  • Ensure Everything Works Locally

Step 2

  • Add 'pg' as dependency

yarn add pg


npm install pg

Step 3

  • configure knexfile file for production
  production: {
    client: "pg",
    connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
    migrations: { directory: "./data/migrations" },
    seeds: { directory: "./data/seeds" }

Step 3.5 (if not done prior)

  • configure dbConfig file for production

const knex = require("knex");
const config = require("../knexfile.js");
const environment = process.env.DB_CONNECT || "development";

module.exports = knex(config[environment]);

Step 4

  • Make sure everything is pushed to master

Step 5

  • Create a new heroku app alt text alt text

Step 6

  • Connect to Github Repo alt text alt text

Step 7

  • Deploy and Enable Auto Deployment alt text alt text

Step 8

  • Ensure Deployment Was Successful

Step 9

  • Go To Resources Tab of Heroku App alt text

  • Under Add-ons find Heroku Postgres alt text alt text

  • choose free version and click provision alt text

Step 10

Configure ENV variables

  • Go to settings tab alt text

  • Click Reveal Config Vars alt text alt text

  • Set DB_CONNECT to production alt text

  • Set any other needed ENV variables

Step 11

  • Check routes to ensure connection to PG DB, SHOULD get an error

Step 12

  • run migrations on heroku via

    npx heroku run knex migrate:latest --app your_heroku_app_name

Step 12.5 (optional)

  • run seeds on heroku via

    npx heroku run knex seed:run --app your_heroku_app_name

Step 13

  • Check routes to ensure connection to PG DB, SHOULD NOT get an error