India Dearlove

I am a web developer who wants to keep learning new languages while writing useful code. I dropped out of university to learn how to code but there is only so much you can learn online, so the last few months I have been building my skills and learning at Makers Academy. I love working in teams, helping to build projects that I am intrested in and learning more as I go along, I hope to keep doing this now that I have finished my course.

I am currently creating a website for a small buisness


Ruby on Rails



Makers Academy - Dec 2014 - March 2015

  • Curiosity and hungry passion for code
  • Independent learner and problem-solver
  • Software Craftsmanship
  • Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Node.js, Angular.js, HTML, CSS
  • Rspec, Jasmine, Mocha
  • Working with clients

University of Exeter - Computer Science and Maths - 2013-2014 (Degree Unfinished)

Dropped out as I was keen to learn coding, rather then the theory of Computer Science and having only a few hours a month of actually getting to code.

  • Python

King's School Canterbury - 2008-2013

  • A-level Maths A*
  • A-level Further Maths B
  • A-level Physics B
  • Free Standing Maths Qualification A
  • British Maths Olympiad -UKMT achieving gold/silver each year (2008-2013)
  • Southampton University Cipher Challenge (2011/2012 & 2012/2013)
  • Sevenoaks Code-Breaking Challenge (2012)